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Monitor : to be or not to be

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Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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08/01/2017 21:56
Looks like a lot of unhappiness with the monitor program. I thought we should have an official vote here to vote to shut down or not to shut down . This will not be a vote to MTV to do the job but to show the interest in shutting down or not due to lack of support service or the job of monitoring taking away the responsibilities of other duties that are more important to the progress of MTV itself! So. Here it is:
Aye for keeping it
Nay for shutting it down. cool smile

Aye for me
Traffic Value: $519.58477 Serbia
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08/01/2017 22:07
Many good stuff here...
Would be a waste to see it go down.

Aye x2
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
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08/01/2017 22:41
As long as it's a source of revenue...

Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
2 like this post 0 people
08/01/2017 22:45
Does it have a person assigned to it?
Is it a volunteer or paid?
Do they have legit reasons its not going right? 

Lets figure out the issues....if its just neglect...we find someone else who wants to stay on top of it.
There are many members who love that kind of thing.

We can give them RPs. I'll donate some to the cause.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
08/01/2017 23:55
I think I would abstain but I do want to bring up a point. The monitor is super low cost advertising for people. So much so that I think it does take away money from PV. It is also a direct competitor to PV since it discourages people to buy advertising on PV when they know the program is in the monitor and thus taking referrals.

The question we need to ask is if we do shut down the monitor would we lose those members or would they go over to PV and spend their money there in order to promote their programs?
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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09/01/2017 04:35
I strongly vote for monitor listing. It's biggest advantage is not the revenue it generates, but the traffic it brings. People do come here to discuss or read about investment programmes. I think it's a good traffic generator. See the example of FBR topic. More people reply to it than the official news itself. There are many things that don't directly affect the site, but indirectly they play a big role. Monitor listing is one of them. But yes, that investment option can be removed and maybe the voting system also, to make it easier.
Traffic Value: $587.45852 Bangladesh
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09/01/2017 05:27
Aye aye captainsmile
Traffic Value: $573.1605 India
3 like this post 0 people
09/01/2017 06:54
First of all, Why should MTV close a product which generated $3463.269 to it  question question question

Secondly, Monitor has the ability to give good returns to its Investors. My Monitor ROI is 205.76% with 100% Accuracy. cool

Traffic Value: $1,020.25923 Serbia
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09/01/2017 08:28
I'm also for keeping it, since I'd prefer to have it as a marketing option to banners on PV or MTV.

However, I am waiting for 2.5 weeks for anyone to reply to an issue I have with buying premium days.

Have a feeling no one's there...
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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09/01/2017 11:13
to be or not to be
Delete from here .Wast time only.
Forum - Monitor - Monitor : to be or not to be
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