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Let's Profit, invest in real companies risk 0

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Traffic Value: $468.36573 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
05/01/2016 21:50
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I share with you this Spanish platform to make money investing from only $1. I've been researching and I registered to see how it works. It really convinced me, Initially I invested $1 to test, because I do not lose anything and it is the minimum.

What I liked most, reading their FAQ and their Forum, is that they invest in real companies with a profitability agreed with them and fixed, after analyzing them and do a study, and these give them benefits daily, that pay users, something that an individual user would be impossible to make these investments with a fixed and agreed upon profitability.

Another thing I liked is that they have a reserve fund, if one day there are any unexpected problem, they can return entire investment of each user, and this Fund has the same amount as current investments and will fill with the benefits.

And finally, I think that is very good the transparency they have, they publish daily its results, investments, payments, etc. Being totally transparent.

It has several plans (all free) and all have benefits on a daily basis:
-. 110% plan: you get 10% return in 30 days (minimum $ 1).
-. 120% plan: you get 20% of profitability in 45 days (minimum $ 50).
-. 140% plan: you get the 40% return in 150 days (minimum $ 20).

I asked for support (also they've support by skype, a luxury!) and have told me that are working on a plan of 130% with duration of 60 days, but that still agreeing with companies to increase the options.

It works with paypal, payza, neteller, okpay, payeer, solidtrustpay, perfect money and bitcoin.

They've also referral and investments contests, offerwalls...

I encourage you to try it and tell your opinion.

Monitor listing -
Traffic Value: $12.18301 Venezuela
0 like this post 0 people
05/01/2016 23:14
Not many users, didn't found any review on web, too risky by the moment.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
4 like this post 0 people
05/01/2016 23:29
-. 120% plan: you get 20% of profitability in 45 days (minimum $ 50).
-. 140% plan: you get the 40% return in 150 days (minimum $ 20).

Who would invest in the latter, when you can get over 173% from the former, in 15 days less?
If it's just b/c of the $50 min, well, if you want to risk 150 days, you might as well also risk $30 more. If you don't have $30 more, you probably shouldn't risk anything in this segment of the industry.

BTW, Investing in real companies?
Slush fund?
We've heard that all b4, they still scam.
It's all fluff.
What real companies can reliably enough gurantee these returns, in such a short time?
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