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Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
7 like this post 0 people
16/12/2015 14:13
A huge upgrade cost.
Only for upgraded members.

So, while this means advertisers get proven buyers, this really is a "disguised" mlm, and thus not my cup of tea. I don't join sites just to refer them and get the ref commission of the upgrade, at which point those who can't get "2/enough" members to join under them to pay their "upgrade" for them end up paying for everyone else, while they try desperately to find enough ppl. And, if they quit, eventually everyone quits as the earnings from the "disguised" part will not be able to cover the cost of the upgrade. Granted, some of the "disguised" aspects of these sites actually have enough benefits, but it would have to be able to help you recruit others at other sites in order to justify the cost, even at "$10/month" or what ever.

Lifetime Upgraders might be able to make their money, even w/o recruiting anyone, but at some point their is only so many people that can afford the upgrade fee, and thus once the advertisers advertised to all of them enough times, they won't want to continue. So even the tasks, esp of value (which need to somehow be profitable to them, what did you do for $4?), will diminish with time.

It's a nice concept, if real advertisers want to spend the sort of money to pay for the proven buyers. However, in the real world, the upgrade cost is too much, and even if free members will have access to the $4 tasks, they won't last long. I could see a PTC model where tasks are 1-2c even for free and upgrades are just to get real referrals commission per click, and charge the advertiser 2-3c per click to cover ref and site costs.

Sorry for posting this on your thread, but the upgrade cost and the hype you are building around it, esp if will turn into upgrade only (at least to cashout), just got to me.
Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
0 like this post 0 people
16/12/2015 21:33

You are always welcomed, no problem.

You got some nice points about Get Paid Social.
Traffic Value: $18.78983 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
17/12/2015 12:22
[edited by mod team> monitor topics are not meant for support of programs, please ask for support in the program´s forum]
Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
0 like this post 0 people
22/12/2015 20:38
My personal stats so far:

It has been a long time since I updated the post. With the high permission of the mods, I want to add my latest stats in order to encourage people to join this program because it is rocking now!

My earnings since 7th December from tasks as a premium member:

My earnings from my referrals:

I am in top 20 referrer now among 60.000 users:

Some of the high value tasks:

As you can see, it is possible to earn such amounts in this program by only visiting a website, liking or sharing stuff on facebook.

Join now and upgrade your account before the prices double in 1 January 2016. You will not regret.

I will update you again when I get my payment. Some users have already began to take their earnings. I could not cashout becauce I have to wait untill 4th Jan. The ones who got paid are the ones registered before me.

If you join via this link and upgrade your account, I will pay you back the half of the referral commission, I have already paid to 3 of my upgraded referrals, one of them is passivetools.

He in this program, too.

You can also join now and start to earn free cash, it is not mandatory to upgrade, it is to earn more and take action:

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