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What is the highest Ad Have you received?

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Traffic Value: $5.7829 Pakistan
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09/06/2014 08:43
wow i m so happy i got four ads 0.21. 0.11, 0.11 and 0.11 with 4700 BAPs.
Means i get 0.54 a day.
Traffic Value: $2,622.68265 Viet Nam
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09/06/2014 10:44
The difference between 2 nearby BAP group is quite ridiculous
In one day, the 3mi Group have twice BAP as 1,5mi Group but just get $6 more.
And the same with 1,5mi Group and 720k Group, twice value to get $3-4 more
I prefer to have 2 acc 720k Group than 1 acc 1,5mi Group (in case Paidverts allow to have multi acc)
Traffic Value: $125,324.67968 Netherlands
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09/06/2014 11:10
The gaps are a bit funny between the BAP groups now. 16$ for 1.5mil+ BAP then, 22$ for 3mil+ BAP and 50$(?)+ for 6mil+ BAP today. I mean great ads in any case but they look way more random now!

I was wondering about this too. It looks like the ads distribution needs some tweaking. I have 3.5mil BAP, and received a $21.53 ad yesterday, whil the 6mil+ BAP group received a $50 ad!

Question to Jo, is it possible to tweak the ads distribution so it's more fair? or create smaller steps for the BAP groups?
Traffic Value: $226.92885 India
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09/06/2014 11:54
How is that possible to receive $0.56 worth of ads with 4700 BAPs, where I get only $0.27 worth of ads with 14000 BAPs? 
Traffic Value: $2,622.68265 Viet Nam
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09/06/2014 13:01
It's all about luck, bro
The first time server share the ads random, so you can get higher ad, even you have lower BAP
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/06/2014 13:20
Yea, if you're issued a random 1% ad... then as a small user you can receive a huge part of your return out of the blue.

This won't happen so often once we install the Super User upgrade. As all those juicy 1% ads will go to the upgraded users instead.

That's the only downside of the super user upgrade... makes PV a bit too predictable. Unless we set aside a part of each days result specifically to issue as random ads.

We'll see how it goes!
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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09/06/2014 13:35
If members with lower BAP do not get the chance to receive larger ads the filter upgrade should be blocked. Once the superuser upgrade is in effect members with low BAP will need to click many low value ads. So that would make the filter useless for anyone with low amounts of BAP. The only other way would be like you say to set aside a portion to distribute to members will low BAP. 

Maybe just make the filter open at a certain BAP threshold. I think free or really low traffic value members should get majority of small ads. Reward the members that advertise more with larger value ads. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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09/06/2014 14:10
The ad filter is not a huge issue... if a user can afford $10 to buy it; they can afford another $10-20 to buy ads, and get the 50k BAP or so required to receive teh higher value ads to conform with their filter setting.
Traffic Value: $848.91981 Malaysia
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21/06/2014 19:35
mine = $4.04 cwy
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