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tired of ponzi scheme

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Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
2 like this post 2 people
11/08/2014 13:15
this world there are a lot of similar money game, the same trick is always rely on internal revenue to repay high returns, sell dreams and empty promises, the main profit business is from investors money, when the market begins to saturate no new money come in or the creator received enough money then the game will over, the same thing always happens around us red face

i am curious which is mtv become, steady to focus on outside income business or play in money pay money game, for now PV is MTV only really a good potential external revenue source i can imagine, in the future i hope there are more external business developed tongue laugh
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
6 like this post 0 people
11/08/2014 13:52
Anyway 99.9% of Hiyps / PTC / Revshares ect.. are Ponzi
It takes money from the new Member + repurchases for paid Members, nothing new under the sun

by cons here there is already good sources of external income
such as shares systems + the casino games and other
This makes a big difference compared to other site

and I think in the future when there will be more sources of external income like
- the site "moneymygames"(Multiplayers games / skills games)
-targeted advertising options for advertisers
ect ..

The systems may be away from the the Ponzi system "which is already somewhat the case"and the MTV network can become practically autonomous

it is for these reason that I stopped the hiyps / revshares and this kind of sites and I am dedicated to 100% in PV because Admin Jo at a vision on the longterm for the MTV network wink
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