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Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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19/02/2015 00:39
Dguy is a real goodwill starter! 
I'd wish that we have some more dguy's here. 
We could make the world as we know it, a far better place to live!
It is so nice, that we have some people like all of you around!
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 00:44

This is  the true definition of "charity"--sending something out into the world and not worrying about who gets it, OR whether they "need" it, or how they make use of it. Anything else, not so much. 
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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19/02/2015 00:57
@chrys (if i can call you that way)
I don't want to flood this nice topic with some off topic conversations, so i'll delete my message after 5 minutes or so...
I'll support crowd funding till my last breath. It should be transparent and fairly distributed.
By idea, it should all be fair, so, i want fair distribution of our so called donations.
Equal chances to all.... Not too communists way neither too capitalists way, just fair distribution. And if one have some potential to prove, well he have equal chances to do it, we have the good will to give him a chance!
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 01:08

I doubt Dguy would expect you to delete--it's not off topic, really.

As to "fair"--who defines "fair"? In one way the current recycle system IS "fair"--everyone gets 1.00--egalitarian. Occasionally you'll get lucky and end up getting over 1.00, but it certainly isn't the norm. By ultimate definition, "fair" is NO RULES OR LIMITATIONS AT ALL. Any "rules" or "limitations" that arise must do so naturally, elegantly (the mathematical definition of "elegance"wink and organically. The universe has rules, nature has rules--but only such rules that come directly from the system itself. If we try to define what is "fair" in any way beyond simple egalitarianism, then we are getting into moral/ethical judgments--and for me, subjective moral values have no place in group giving for the joy of giving. 

When you start talking about imposing any sort of rules or order on the simple act of GIVING--of sending something nice out into the world for the sheer joy of DOING SO, and not worrying about the outcome--then you are reducing what is (and in my opinion should be) a truly altruistic act, a private celebration we choose to meet here to share, to yet another thing that is relegated, controlled, by someone (or a group's) subjective definition of "fairness". Whatever label you choose to put on it, be it a political label like "communism" or "capitalism" or a label with religious implications like "charity" or "tithing"--makes no difference.

At that point, I would stop--and find ANOTHER way, online or offline, to just give something away, with no strings attached, no expectations, no rules, no conditions--just because I want to.

 One of the reasons I seldom give to established "charities" is I see no reason why my desire to give, and ability to do so, should be restricted by someone else. If I have a specific GOAL in mind--like helping shelter cats--I find a particular non-profit whose rules fit what I am looking for, and hand them cash. But for my real giving--no. 
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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19/02/2015 01:14
Fair enough, and it was a pleasure to read you once again!
You've got your points and i agree with all of them.
The only thing though, i don't expect anything in return but someone's smile.
The act of charity should not be put in any frames as we know them!
So, i'll delete my post after all! It's meaningless!
Damn... i can't do it anymore, just ignore it!
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 01:25

I never delete a dang thing I write, ever LOL. If others feel they must delete my contribution to dialogue, fine--but I stand by my written words wink, and I leave them standing, however idiotic or unpopular they may be at times...
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
1 like this post 0 people
19/02/2015 01:31
Just recycled another  pair of ads-- 1 cent ads.
Traffic Value: $32.80249 Spain
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19/02/2015 01:33
I really apreciate what u are doing guys... Yesterday i got 1.67$ recycled ad and it made my day! I'm really looking forward to reach higher groups (Currently at group 3) to start recycling high-value ads. It really helps. Keep it going! smile
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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19/02/2015 01:34
Well, you're right again (as my wife would tell "Women are always right!"wink, as it is a part of our conversation, it would ruin the logic if i request to be deleted.
Nice job Chrys, you should go to congress one day! wink
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 01:35


Congrats on the big recycle, and happy clicking!
Traffic Value: $338.00421 United States
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19/02/2015 01:38
just recyled 3 1 cent ads
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 01:42

Oh, NICE--praise me to the skies and then insult me by saying I should willingly join a bunch of POLITICIANS LOL.

I would sooner become a TV preacher than run for public office. I would sell used cars. I would even lower myself to becoming a LAWYER, or a banker before I became a politician....tonguewink.
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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19/02/2015 01:47
Well... no offence at all, just a joke. tongue
I've expected such reaction though...  smile Keep the smile on your face!
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 01:51

Well I knew you were only teasing me--you're smart enough to have figured out what I am like LOL. Now if you nominated me for the job of politician hunter, so I could round them up and put them to work doing something useful, like picking up trash along the roads or removing graffitit from buildings, then I would happily switch careers!
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
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19/02/2015 02:00
Damn it, you've make me laugh like an idiot here.... Glad that i have only the cat near by!
You are the choosen one, and if you were here, i'd vote for you, just to watch our so called "parliament" to collect garbage on the streets! grin
And this is just about the right time to stop hijacking this nice topic. I'm feeling guilty already!
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 03:29

I just had a wonderful dinner envisioning obama cleaning out sewage tanks, personally....And shoveling horse manure on his days off.
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
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19/02/2015 03:33
And I just recycled:

1 x .02
4 x .01

Happy clicking!
Traffic Value: $1,126.85455 Bulgaria
2 like this post 0 people
19/02/2015 03:51
another 0.25$ in circulation

good luck!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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19/02/2015 07:04
@wiesebri w00t

Great to see!


Keep up all the OT posting you want. It keeps bumping the topic and gets more people into the club and into the giving mood

As for giving: I've found that giving does more for me than it does for the person I give to. Even if you were to hand someone $100 or more, that money will soon be gone, but both people are changed by it. The person getting the gift has renewed faith in humanity (and we all need that boost often) but the giver gets a different perspective on money. When you learn to let go of it, it has less grip on your mind. I find now that I give more, that I worry about money less. And it seems to accumulate for me quicker. I think that is because I pay less attention to it so it has its chance to do its work behind the scenes.

I really do think there is a psychological principle at work in that way because my whole attitude about money has changed a lot over the last year.

I have a saying that is very true in my life:

"Money is a fickle mistress"

Once I learned that it helped me a lot to put it in different perspective and not let it hold my mind so tight
Traffic Value: $496.56049 United States
3 like this post 0 people
19/02/2015 07:16

And that, my friend, is a lesson that applies to far more than money smile. When you learn to let go of the "seven deadly sins"--to break their power over you--then you become "patient"--as Toronaga called it in Shogun.

Discipline of mind, discipline of body, discipline of environment--this, when coupled to patience, will bring you insight, and abilities, that can be quite surprising. Of course everything has a down side LOL. When you're not "in step" with the rest of the world, life can be a little tough. But the rewards....
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