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Paypal is back bang!!!

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Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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21/07/2015 12:53
no add fund and buy shares for paypal...that against paypal TOS
Traffic Value: $780.17861 Pakistan
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21/07/2015 12:54
you can just purchase bulk ads, with paypal,
u cant add funds,
Traffic Value: $31.51435 Netherlands
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21/07/2015 12:56
Great news! Too bad funding your account through Paypal isn't an option (and won't ever be again), but still, buying ads, waiting for the BAP to convert to $$ and then buy shares is a great oppurtunity as well! 
Let the share prices rise! 
Traffic Value: $2,520.36922 Poland
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21/07/2015 12:57
please care to read PayPal's TOS - they don't allow such thing and adding funds was never an option for this processor.
Traffic Value: $27,084.60437 Germany
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21/07/2015 12:59
You don't need to wait for the $, you can buy shares with BAP.
Traffic Value: $360.644 Pakistan
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21/07/2015 13:00
well then lets just say papal is back for pv not mtv tongue
Traffic Value: $1,365.45275 India
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21/07/2015 13:05
thanks for clearing up guys...... i didn't read TOS....i think converting from BAP to $$ would be now the thing to do. thanks for telling....i am so excited i forgot things 
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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21/07/2015 13:08
and no revenue was added for paypal purchase in daily revenue result...maybe admin can check it...

@zorkey..yup there are no add fund in PV for paypal
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
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21/07/2015 13:09

Your answer is just a few spaces above you, yor.
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
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21/07/2015 13:11

Your answer is just a few spaces above you, yor.
Traffic Value: $165.75355 Tanzania United Republic of
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21/07/2015 13:30
just 2 days back share price was about 0.011/share and in less than 72 hours the price has reached about 0.018/share. i wonder where the share price will be in about two weeks to come..tongue
Traffic Value: $734.57051 Spain
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21/07/2015 13:30
What is the commission take paypal ??????????????????? 5%?
Traffic Value: $1,428.22378 Netherlands
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21/07/2015 13:32
cant buy an adpack neither..
Traffic Value: $573.1605 India
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21/07/2015 13:34
Marc & Slosumo please give exception to Indians to Cashout through Paypal even if they didn't added Funds or Purchased Ads through Paypal.Because, Indian Government is not allowing Indians to Deposit or to do Online purchases through Paypal.Indians are allowed only to Withdraw Funds through Paypal :

Withdrawing your payments
What is auto withdrawal?
Auto withdrawal is the process of automatically transferring your funds from your PayPal account into your bank account in India.
Where will my funds be auto withdrawn to?
Your PayPal balance will be auto withdrawn to your bank account in India. If you have one bank account added to your PayPal account, it will be set as your auto withdrawal account. In case you have more than one bank account added to your PayPal account, you will have an option to set your auto withdrawal account.
Why are my funds being auto withdrawn?
This is an Indian regulatory requirement and applies to all PayPal users in India.
When does auto withdrawal happen?
Your PayPal balance is auto withdrawn to your local bank account in India daily. You can check your bank account within 5-7 working days after your funds have been auto withdrawn from your PayPal account.
Can I use my PayPal balance?
When you receive payments and it is available as balance in your PayPal account, you must withdraw your funds or let withdrawals happen automatically. In accordance with Indian regulations, you can’t make purchases or send payments with your PayPal balance. Please use your card linked to your PayPal account to make purchases or send payments.
Traffic Value: $318.52242 South Africa
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21/07/2015 13:35
Can't buy one ad pack minimum is 5.
Traffic Value: $1,428.22378 Netherlands
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21/07/2015 13:36
yeah hauzel i know. i tried to purchase 5 adpacks..
Traffic Value: $81.59236 United States
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21/07/2015 13:41
i think we should get ready when the pay pal purchase option for shares is enabled becouse due to this news the hare price is going to reach at .028 per share just like to day increased in share price is .0174 to .0194 = .002 per share. its good to gain profits.
Traffic Value: $236.92954 Philippines
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21/07/2015 13:43
HUGE GAME CHANGER!  This is awesome news.. We will retain members and hopefully pick up thousands more!  Very happy today grin Good job team! 
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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21/07/2015 13:43
Fozikhan,that will never,ever happen/
Traffic Value: $157.60186 Jamaica
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21/07/2015 13:44
Great New!!!cheese
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