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Bug in Fast Tranck Queue?

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Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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24/07/2014 11:53
Hi friends.

I think there's a bug in Fast Track Queue page.

You can see it take up to 7 - 10 days to pay everything in the week of May 19 - May 25.
So, the next week shouldn't take something lilke 11 - 16 days instead of 13 - 18 days?

So, what's happen to the days 11 and 12? They disapeer? And this continues in the other weeks, less 2 days.

I just see that now but this can have a good explanation and I don't know smile

Thank you.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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24/07/2014 11:57
I am not seeing a bug what is it you are looking at?
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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24/07/2014 11:58
Sorry mate. I click on post new topic and I don't right everything :/
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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24/07/2014 12:02
This is not really a bug... just a quirk in the calculation.

The ETA shown is the time required to repay the entire round. Some investments might take 11-12days; but the round as a whole won't be less than 13 at the current daily average.
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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24/07/2014 12:03
Jesus. Forget that. This is the time who can take to pay the whole round. 

I'm completely noob on this grin

But, taking this subject, we can improve the days on FTQ. Why don't put the first day when this round should start beeing paid and the last one? It will be better and don't confuse people. 

I'm a donkey and I don't understand this at first sad
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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24/07/2014 12:07
That might be a good idea... add a display somewhere stating the ETA in terms of an actual date;

"Our present daily average portfolio revenues indicate that this round should reach the front of the queue, and be fully repaid between Aug 15th - Aug 18th"

I'll whack that on the programming queue as a low priority thing.
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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24/07/2014 12:16
We can put on the round that's beeing paid in this moment, the time that should take to pay the whole round.

The next rounds, should have the days you start to pay till the last day when round is completed.

For example. 

May 19 - May 25 xxx$ ---$ Beeing paid now 7 - 10 days
May 26 - Jun 01  xxx$ ---$ Start beeing paid in 10 days and take 18 days for everything

This need to be improved in a user friendly way. But it's a begining to improve this area.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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24/07/2014 12:17
I think it makes perfect sense as it is right now but adding future date ETAs wouldnt hurt. Those days listed do not even really mean anything. It is all just an estimation based upon past results. It could potentially go faster with big investors or it could go slower if revenue drops down. Days are not lost between rounds its just a made up number. 
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