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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Misc - $3000 average over last 7 days!

$3000 average over last 7 days!

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Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
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29/07/2014 00:20
Give or take a dollar, we just averaged $3000 over the last 7 days results.

I believe that has never been done before, and I'm sure that record won't last long. cheese cheese
Traffic Value: $4,123.8325 Nigeria
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29/07/2014 02:11
Who told you it wouldn't last? It's very much possible that average would be maintained (or even surpassed) over a reasonable length of time. With ever increasing activities in the MTV/PV community, that record can be consistently broken until a new unexpected height is achieved.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
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29/07/2014 02:44

Sorry I confused you.

When a record doesn't last, it means it was broken again. That is what I was getting at. I'm sure our averages will steadily climb, and soon a $3000 average will be surpassed by a $4000, and a $5000 daily average. 

A short time ago, $3000 was a Good Week, not an AVERAGE DAY!

All of the pieces are in place for a nice steady growth.

Onward & Upward.
Traffic Value: $400.67513 Philippines
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29/07/2014 06:22

Your correct it won't last long!!!

Because, soon it will rise probably with an average income of $4000 to $5000 or higher than that!

As long PV/MTV continue to hold its transparency to all members and maintain the stability of the site and make itself into the list of higher rank among any other website, well, I tell you in no doubt it will be happen. 

I said this. Because, I believe there are many investor out there are looking for some opportunity on how to make money online, and if they found MTV/PV and understand the beauty of the program and the workflow of its investment system they will soon start to invest comfortably with their own mind, and that is how PV/MTV will grow success in the future!
Traffic Value: $4,123.8325 Nigeria
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29/07/2014 06:37
I'm sorry I grossly misinterpreted your assertion. You are absolutely right. MTV/PV holds great potentials. GREATER THINGS ARE YET TO EVOLVE.
Forum - Misc - $3000 average over last 7 days!
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