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PV - Targeted Ads

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
19/06/2014 13:32
This is what i've got so far for the planned Targetd Ads system:
* Notice how i've tied it in with the ad filter. So if you have an ad filter, it forces advertisers to pay more to communicate with you.

Filter: (Pick one)
1. Proven Traffic Value ($0.00 .... $0.01/user default min pricing)

2. Total Cash Gaming Volume ($1.00 ... $0.05/user default min pricing)

3. Cash Gaming Volume for [____________] ($1.00 ... $0.05/user default min pricing)

4. Total BAP Gaming Volume ($1.00 ... $0.02/user default min pricing)

5. BAP Gaming Volume for [____________] ($1.00 ... $0.02/user default min pricing)

6. Advertisers: Bulk Ad Purchases ($1.00 ... $0.05/user default min pricing)

7. Advertisers: Banner Auction Bids ($1.00 ... $0.05/user default min pricing)

8. Advertisers: Ad Purchases, Excluding Bulk Ads ($1.00 ... $0.10/user default min pricing)

9. Recruiters: Referral Count ($1.00 ... $0.05/user default min pricing)

10. Recruiters: Referral Commission ($1.00 ... $0.05/user default min pricing)

Country: [] [] [] [] []

Processor: [] [] [] [] []


[] Top 25 Users: $___ ($0.01/user, or minimum ad filter setting)
[] Top 100 Users: $___
[] Top [___] Users: $___
[] All ___ Users: $___
[] Users Between $__ - $__: $___

Customize Selection: (View a list of selection & price per user
To remove specific users who may have ludicrous ad filter pricing)

Ad Repetition: 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x ads per user.

Incentives: [x] +$0.00/view: $_____
[ ] +$0.01/view: $_____
[ ] +$0.05/view: $_____
[ ] +$0.10/view: $_____
[ ] +$0.25/view: $_____ (* minimum 100 user selection required)
[ ] +$0.50/view: $_____ (* minimum 100 user selection required)
[ ] +$0.99/view: $_____ (* minimum 100 user selection required)

Delivery: Within 180 hours (free)
Within 18 hours (+$1.00)


Ad View Costs: $_________ (above + incentives * repetition)
Commission: $_________ (Ad View Costs * 0.20)
Filters: $_________ (depending which options they select)
Cashier Fees: $_________

Undelivered Ad Views, and their corresponding 20% commissions are refunded in full if users do not interact with your ad.

Cashier Fees + Filters are non refundable.

Ads come with an 18hour timer. At the end of the timer, recycle the ad back to the same user.
Ads expire & refund the advertiser, at either the 1st recycle. Or the 10th.

If the user has sufficient BAP to receive the ad; deduct the BAP from their account. If not, give them the
ad anyway! Same applies with recycles.

Ads are sent to PV for approval before they enter circulation.

Referral commission (50% of the commission value) is paid upon delivery of the campaign. Only for delivered clicks.

50% of Commission + Filters + Cashier Fees === add to portfolio revenues straight away.
We'll add a negative entry for refunds as they happen.

Only display "ACTIVE" users.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
4 like this post 0 people
19/06/2014 13:39
And targeted ads can be developed further as we create more "types" of ad. Initially it'll just deliver ads like Bulk Ads. But later on we can differentiate; allow advertisers to buy video ads, or "tour ads", multiple confirm ads, longer timers etc.

But the idea is, you only communicate with a handful of members specifically chosen to meet what you're looking for. Then we give you the ability to communicate like hell with them. So you're basically buying them off a shelf.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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19/06/2014 15:28
Wow.....shocked no shortage of options there this is like a dream for advertiser targeting.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
4 like this post 0 people
19/06/2014 15:39
Looks amazing - tons of options!

Will these targeted ads be just mixed with other bulk ads from the user's point of view?

I mean, perhaps it would be good if these ads would be tagged somehow (like recycled ads are), so we would know that the advertiser is targeting us. Perhaps it's just me, but if I received a tagged ad I would be much more interested in what the ad is about because I'd feel that the advertiser wanted ME to view it, not someone else.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
0 like this post 0 people
19/06/2014 15:42

Jo kinda touched on that in his second shorter post. At first they will be just like normal bulk ads but then later on they will change. 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
0 like this post 0 people
19/06/2014 15:49
Yeh I read that but I figured it's about different type of ads, figured I'd ask just in case. Then again, advertisers might want to hide that they targeted a "certain someone" as it might have a different affect on them than on me.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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19/06/2014 16:02
Yeah I was thinking of that also but it should be easy to add customized viewing options to targeted ads. Something like how the standard or extended ads are on Neobux plus so much more precision. I was also trying to figure out how to stop ads from going to members that are already in or apart of what is being advertised. 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
19/06/2014 17:41
There'll be a little target symbol displayed on the ad where the recycle symbol currently shows.

All the different ad types will have their own symbol.
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
2 like this post 0 people
21/06/2014 17:14
1 suggestion:

Interest filters; users can select 1 or more interests on their profile (HYIPs, PTCs, etc.), so advertisers can match their target audience. (I get a feeling quite a few people on PV don't really plan on joining a PTC where they're basically stuck with $0.04 max a day.)
Traffic Value: $848.91981 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
21/06/2014 18:00
agrees with dbinghamjr smile
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