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PV Frame Breaker Ads - post them here

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Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/04/2014 10:38
I noticed we are getting frame breaker ads on PV, and this should be fixed ASAP because people are not getting paid and advertisers are getting unlimited traffic, so Jo you should do like many other ptc sites have already done, implement some sort of verification against frame breaker ads, and install report button to report frame breakers

I guess for now until this problem gets fixed, the best for all of us would be copy/pasting info of frame breaker ads
so we make Jo's job a bit easier wink

Ad Campaign:
Total Value:
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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03/04/2014 10:45
Yea. We'll implement something asap regarding that.


Maybe create a new class of ads - "Approval Ads" - where users that have purchased 100+ ad packs, get the option to basically do the admins job of approving new ads in return for $0.05 per campaign.

And then every new campaign, that includes an unverified URL; will go to this system prior to entering the general issue pool.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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03/04/2014 11:11
i also seen adsystem that loads inside the page so the topframe is in the same code as the page, probably done with jquery ajax...append topframe first inside body tag then the rest of pagecode that way is not inside a frame
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/04/2014 11:39
Frame Breaker!

Ad Campaign:BA-207 / 26920
Total Value: $0.04

80 BAP lost
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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03/04/2014 12:18
Reset that campaign. Plus see todays news:
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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03/04/2014 12:21
On new chrome and new opera I don't have any problem with frame breakers, probably that's just firefox issue.

Hope programmers will find some solution to block those ads.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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03/04/2014 12:29
Yea we'll tackle it from two ends...
1) Automated programming checks.
2) Manual verifications with our upcoming user verification system.
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
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03/04/2014 15:16
For an automated check, what most sites do is require you to "verify" the ad.

Basically you "click" the ad and have to wait 30 seconds to make sure it doesn't break the frame. If it stays inside the frame the entire time, you click a "confirm" button and move on with creating the campaign. (Which would help filter out links and whatnot. Manual approval is still useful for crap that is against the rules.)
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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03/04/2014 15:33
Yes. I've mentioned that to Paul. We'll implement it ASAP.

1st = Bugs
2nd = PayPal
3rd = Upgrades!
Traffic Value: $84,466.07763 Pakistan
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03/04/2014 15:48

check this add pack it's also don't show frameĀ 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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03/04/2014 15:52
Please send me the campaign ID. BA____ ... not the interaction url.

* And we'll be adding a Report Ad button any day now. Then you can do it direct from the page. And we'll refund your BAP for any frame breakers.
Traffic Value: $20,280.94579 Germany
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03/04/2014 19:46
Ad Campaign: BA-132 / 28675
Total Value: $0.04
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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03/04/2014 21:04
What is a frame Breaker?
Traffic Value: $28,929.88797 Ukraine
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03/04/2014 21:14
BA-267 / 40266
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/04/2014 22:12
frame breaking ad or a framebreaker ad(whatever you wanna call it, no official name as far as I know) is an ad which removes frame of a PTC/traffic exchange..etc. site making it impossible for the ad viewer to confirm the ad and get credited which also enables the advertiser to have unlimited traffic to that frame breaking ad since no views can be registered. or cheating in short.
In a similar way ads with pop-ups are not permitted although I'm not sure if there are some sites that allow them at all...
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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03/04/2014 22:20
OK TUPKO, thanks

Untill now I didn't get one of those ads
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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03/04/2014 23:58
and if you happen to get one, click on freshly installed report button or report here so Jo can reset that campaign
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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04/04/2014 08:49
but i see a problem, if i want to advetise a site that have a script inside that they do not want to show in frame we can not advertise it, the admin of this site do not want them framed grin

instead we should add an option to create a splash page with an editor you could create the text and add images to describe the site and advertise, i even seen sites take extra for this option...

like i do myself...

in the new age of cloud server thinking it's a new way to advertise products that do not have a site
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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04/04/2014 11:03
Apparently if you use Google Chrome. It has an anti-frame breaking thing in it; so you won't have any problems there.

But with FireFox etc... You will.

But if you spot an ad with a framebreaker in it, report it using the "Report Ad" button; and i'll change the URL to a default. As it's against our terms and conditions. And i'll compensate your account with 100 BAP.
Traffic Value: $125,324.67968 Netherlands
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04/04/2014 22:07
I discovered a strange 'bug'.

I want to promote this link:

But If I want to verify my link, the preview ad frame changes the link to:

What can cause this problem?
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