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Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
04/04/2022 03:57
Dear Admin Slosumo.

i am facing 2 issues.
1st Paidverts Ads not Received.
2nd Cashout Still on Pending.
please solve my issue as soon as posible.
Thank You.
Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
04/04/2022 07:27
Cashout Done Thanks but Paidverts Ads are not Showing.
Traffic Value: $3,125.39327 Pakistan
0 like this post 0 people
05/04/2022 11:40
Dear Respected Admin i have only 3 ads received in 24 Hours 
 i am in Group 9 and i have upgraded both higher ads package.
Please Solve my issue. i shall very thankful to you.
Forum - Brainstorm - Paidverts No Ads
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