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New way to see ads

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Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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06/12/2016 13:25
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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06/12/2016 14:41
At this moment, as things are going, I strongly suggest a new platform for this project, because PV may be seen as an advertising platform for HYIPs in the eyes of big brands. I also suggest we crowdfund this project whenever the management sees fit (if they believe that is a good and profitable project)
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
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06/12/2016 15:10
bump +1
This is one of the best idea for our business.

Waiting for admin or marc to response, i think we all want to listen to their opinion regarding this idea
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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07/12/2016 14:57
Yes, this is indeed the right idea. Bravo!! I have also said once that in order for PV to become a recognized advertising site, it needs to get better advertisements. Right now, it's just a BAP circus, and we are not coming out of it. Not saying, that Marc and team did nothing, they did introduced targeted ads and so, but I didn't found them much effective. Although bidding ad is surely a good option. And also the fact that we have to click 7 times to get credited for 1 ad, vs. 3 times on other sites, does make things bad. Why would someone pay attention to an ad if it takes him/her 7 clicks to reach there, and that on mobile makes it even more ugly.

I strongly support Jpla's idea. We don't need to copy it, just think like that!
Traffic Value: $1,020.25923 Serbia
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11/12/2016 08:09

of topic, but I don't know a better way of contacting people here (I proposed PM (private messages) before).

I'm coming to Copenhagen today, hoping to stay and work, so I'd like to grab a beer, talk a bit about life there, work online and offline and stuff... (I'm a nice guy, I promise) smile

So, I'm gonna go ahead and leave my email here, if admins think it's now allowed, I apologize, remove the post.

[Edit by mod team: deleted email address]
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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11/12/2016 09:22
Please use the private messages on the PV forum, there you can talk in private with other members wink
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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11/12/2016 10:03
Getting off-topic here, but I never check PV's forum. Do I get an e-mail notification when I get a message? Plus, lots of MTV users don't use PV, so why not implementing the message system in MTV instead?
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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11/12/2016 10:09
No don't think so. Never got a notification, but you see it when you log in on the forum smile You can use his mail for now, but I'll edit that post soon since it's not allowed here (for privacy reasons) normally.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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11/12/2016 10:15
I already got the mail and understand the privacy concerns. The whole "off-topicness" can be deleted and I appreciate that you waited until I got his/her e-mail. However, I hope that the PM system can be implemented on MTV because PV's forum is kinda dead, doesn't have as much movement as in MTV. Maybe it's just because people are used to be here, check the Ad Issue tables in the daily news and all that stuff. Personally, I'd like it to be the way it was, and although I understand that it was a lot of trouble for programers to build a new forum, maybe the costs for keeping it up VS. having only MTV's forum are not that good. I'm sure that you are aware of all that, it just feels dull to have such an empty forum
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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11/12/2016 10:25
They still haven't fixed the login issue.

I'm always logged into PV but can't login to PV Forum, unless I log out of PV, and no there is no way to hit remember me for PV forum, at least through PV.

This is by far the #1 reason I don't even bother using it.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
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11/12/2016 15:06
We should have this as a new type of Ads, that way the advertiser can choose what type of ad want.

There is an app only for Spain that do the same
Traffic Value: $846.44882 Canada
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01/06/2017 18:46
We need to talk to facebook that would it possible to have audience alike ads.

other then that I do not think advertiser would like to wasting money.

The problem with PTC is if you are not advertise the PTC or other money make ads, then you are more likely to lose money.  

That is the advertiser point of view. 

Also another problem we have is PV active member is too small, for big brand would not care.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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01/06/2017 20:38
@ mtuppers

But the goal wouldn't be to properly advertise to PV's userbase. It's to use it's base as a surveying data. So we would evaluate the ad, saying what we liked most and what we would change to make it more effective. It's not aimed for people who want to gain refs for their PTC's, it's for big brands who want to make a "study" before investing in the emission of that ad.
Traffic Value: $846.44882 Canada
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21/07/2017 16:28

If we can not let the small advertiser happy, there is no way paidverts can attract big advertisers.

People like to tell others what does it work for them.  
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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21/07/2017 17:56

I feel you. If RP's weren't so low I would have already sold and cashed out. I don't doubt that the staff is working hard, but it's been too long saying that MTV is going to rise like a phoenix and still nothing. We the members are asked to brainstorm and here it is an idea that has at least the approval of 66 members, and not a single reply from an admin or mod. The only thing I got was a ticket from Marc saying that contact with big companies will be thought after targeted advertising is implemented. We have that for so long and I don't even know how's that going because I gave up on PV some time ago. We were also asked to market MTV and it's products, but the people who I have contact with are not used to online businesses so there's trust issues there. If I show them MTV and they see all the info that is not updated on the FAQ section, not a single word after more than 6 months on Sumo Roll profitability and the 4% profit of the crypto trade that doesn't even cover deposit and withdrawal fees, FTQ's that are who knows how many months due, they're not going to believe that this is good, especially when I bought RP's so long ago and have kept them, while consistently loosing value. And on top of all, our latest product is a Ponzi in it's most purest state (MyMatrix) that promises free advertisement in a platform that doesn't see any activity growth in there. I think the only product that is going really well so far is PPMG, and the website's layout is the same as it was when it was launched. Legalization of the company is another thing that we sometimes read about but is always "we're going to/planing on" and never a "we just did this".

I don't know, man, maybe I'm being too harsh on the staff because I don't know what's going on in the background but seeing the money that I invested and the money that I could have if I cashed out (even with some errors on my behalf like failed attempts at trading and games) has left me quite demotivated. I seriously hope for the best for MTV, its staff and users, but I wonder if this is not a case where the hole in the boat is already too big to fix.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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21/07/2017 20:23

all your concerns are legit and they also reflect the ones of many more people. Indeed many deadlines had failed. Some of our products might not perform as good we would like to and the fact that rp`s have dropped and kept themselves at such a low value is a reflection of the lack of trust from most of our members.

Since MTV changed it`s model, challenges have been non-stop. And I believe that the biggest factor is the fact that most people do not believe in MTV and marketing has stopped altogether. There is just a handful of people still promoting any of our products, which as you know, in the online world makes a program/platform be forgotten. It often happens that I am faced myself with comments like "oh, MTV is still online?". We are, and we are fighting everyday to overcome all the obstacles that we have been facing for the last 2 years.

Legalization is a really hard path. We need to find the perfect legal structure that can fit all of our businesses and this is something really, really hard. 

We can do so much better with all of our products and all it requires is more marketing. This is why recently Marc invited anyone interested on taking part on a much broader marketing campaign to jump on board and work together.

Believe me, every single person is still working everyday, making personal sacrifices, dedicating themselves to something we believe can be big. We just need the time and the money. The will, the staff and all other resources arre there. wink
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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22/07/2017 04:20
Thanks for the repky, Vecors.

Like I said, I don't doubt that you guys are puting in the work, I just felt like expressing my demotivation with the slow pace of things. And I'm all for fighting for something that you believe that is going to be big, but sometimes people just fight a lot for caises that could never win. Even if I cashed out everything I've got, I'd still wish that this is not one of those lost causes.

Keep up the work. I'll wait a while longer and hopefully things will look better and it'll be easier to merket MTV
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