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Neobux Advertising Co-op for Paidverts

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Traffic Value: $23,441.96122 Spain
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20/10/2017 19:27
@dguy finally recieved the payment from clixSense
sent you the money through Payza if u need anything else let me know
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
1 like this post 0 people
20/10/2017 20:27
I got it. I'll plug you in ASAP
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
7 like this post 0 people
20/10/2017 21:16

We now have 14 spots placed in the November co-op. 8 members total

I have stepped out to give you guys a little bit more exposure.

2 guys have bought a double spot and one has bought a 5 spot.

Total hits so far 295,890 and we still have at least 3 NB ads to go (~400K impressions?)

Overall that is a pretty good start. I hope I can keep you guys happy enough to stay in. That is the plan smile
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
7 like this post 0 people
20/10/2017 22:01

Maybe we (the ones that decided to put our trust and some money into you) haven`t been grateful enough or maybe we just need to show the PV audience here more of our stats so far...because I`m a bit baffled that only 7 other people (besides me) decided to join this EXTRAORDINARY opportunity that you gave us. And the results are... to say the least... AWESOME!
I must emphasize again...that so far... I`m overwhelmed with results!grin
I`ve received 17 or 18 new referrals ... 13 of which are active and 7 or 8 of those active ones are clicking ads too. And that`s all in just 4-5 days!
If this story continues even slightly similar to the tempo so far... I`ll be more than glad to take part in it again, every month.
dguy is doing a great job...for us...for PV smile

``So say we all!`` smile  (BSG fans will appreciate&understand this LOL)
Traffic Value: $3,418.53635 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
21/10/2017 10:47
I will stick in... And thank you dguy for this opportunity.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
8 like this post 0 people
21/10/2017 12:16
As I said, Neobux provides quality referrals. That is probably why they are so expensive.

Not many people refer and the reason is because it takes a long time to realize a benefit. Usually it is about 6 months before you get your money back so many people get discouraged but referring is like residual income. Once you start to develop the cash flow, it tends to stay and grow as long as you reinvest most of it.

I ascribe to the 10% rule where you only want to take out 10% of your money from your 'business' (and that is what you should consider this) and reinvest the rest. This is better than treating this as a job and taking out most of the income to spend right away. Especially if you don't need the money. It is the difference between having one little store and feeding your family or taking the profits from the one store to open another store and another until you have a whole chain of stores which will make you financially independent

And it doesn't matter how many people we have at the start. Whether it is only me or 8 or 20. Someone is going to get those referrals and make money. As you guys get excited and enthusiastic that will spread to others if we can keep up the momentum and then maybe we can add a few people each monthly cycle.

We are not too far from having the minimum two NB ads per month paid for and need about 20 more spots to fill to pay for four, so it won't take much. In six month's time we should be in a nice place with this wink
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
21/10/2017 12:54
Another guarantee you have is that none of your referrals will be paid to sign ups. I never use those. I don't think they are very effective. The motive for the person to join is all wrong
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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21/10/2017 15:49
i am in, too. I sent money with paypal. (
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
1 like this post 0 people
21/10/2017 17:53
I got your payment and you are in smile

Traffic Value: $170.72939 Spain
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22/10/2017 09:32
Hi one question...

When I just add paidverts to my business website, can I join the campaign with my web?

Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
1 like this post 0 people
22/10/2017 13:43
The problem is that some of the ads are also banners that focus only on paidverts. If people click on the link and get your business website, they may not know which site to follow through with and thus it tarnishes the branding to a degree
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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22/10/2017 13:54
I am not impatient just cuorious if it is normal that i have got no refferal so far?
Is it just bad luck?
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
22/10/2017 14:40
With the amount of spots in now, yes, this is normal. You only have 594 hits so far because my regular ad machine can only do so much. The next NB ad goes out on Tuesday and you should start to see results then at a minimum.

Even still, the goal is between 10-20 referrals per spot. I hope to get over that this run because it is more than a month but they should show up in bunches
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
22/10/2017 14:52
Here are the stats so far:

I'm keeping usernames out of this for privacy reasons.

The 0 weighting is me. I was in for the first NB run but just stepped out to give you guys more exposure. You can see that the first five people have the larger number of hits and are the ones who got the bulk of the referrals here because they got in to the first NB ad. The ones after joined last week after the ad ran. Yours is the last one there.

You can see that, even with the 5 weighting, the number of hits is much lower without the NB ad. That should change next week
Traffic Value: $23,441.96122 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
22/10/2017 15:36
@Dguy just bought 2 more wink
Traffic Value: $23,441.96122 Spain
2 like this post 0 people
22/10/2017 16:28
ohh and got 1 active referral by the way smile
already sent him a message
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
4 like this post 0 people
22/10/2017 16:43
Thanks Dremis.

So that's very cool. The co-op broke even for its base cost in its very first month coolgrincheerful
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
7 like this post 0 people
24/10/2017 05:12
The next ad has started so you should see results through the day
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
24/10/2017 20:52
This is the last week to get in on the November co-op. The October bonus period is almost over but, due to a quirk in the calendar and the pledge to run the co-op every two weeks, there are still 3 NB ads left to run (one is for this Dec 31st. and every two weeks after)

The price for the co-op will still be $10 per month.

Payments can be made three ways:

Paypal and Payza payments can be made to my email:

You can also send BTC but you''ll need to contact me first at the gmail email to make arrangements and so I can properly track the payments.

Access to the November co-op is available until the end of the day October 31st.
Traffic Value: $25,276.97238 Saudi Arabia
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24/10/2017 21:19
As a starter, I have sent $ 10 for an ad spot, through paysa. Please let me know when it starts, so I can stop the running ones.
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