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Design a Dashboard For MyTrafficValue

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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/01/2015 08:20

In the Mockup Pages, have Rayner program links to one or more Forum Posts (perhap one for each primary page) with the label 'Comment on this page', That way we will have easy access to leave feedback, and if he designs the links/targets well, he'll have good feedback collections.
Traffic Value: $421.19413 Serbia
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28/01/2015 08:23
maybe `cause you`re suspect of using a bot? grin
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/01/2015 08:24
Off Topic
Send a support ticket.
(They even redesigned the support center to make it easier)
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/02/2015 04:59
Can we please have the ability to scroll the topic, at least the same page, when trying to reply to a post.

I just do not have the memory skills to remember everything I'm replying to thus, I often have to have a new tab/window just for the thread so I can go back and reread to make sure I remembered everything.
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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01/02/2015 05:05
Stupid idea maybe but why not make a clean page basically. This coud be a product on itself.

In this page you can order your own page setup add navbar stuff u need and use or not use etc.

In future like this people coud make a presetup page called Advertising or Affiliating or Gambling or whatnot

and put all the specific stats or needed nav in this page.

Each page woud lets say cost yearly 25$ or lifetime 100$
Sure the options to make a personal page for now is still limited. But u coud always add extra stuff there like special statistics for advertisers more detailed or gambling stats next to your gamble(game)screen with lifetime stats with graphs etc.. Alot can be done with these personal pages And u coud even make micro payments within the personal pages ontop the first price. For more advanced codes.

Ontop of that i seen a guy asking if he coud change the color of the background of paidverts.

With these personal pages u coud alow people to also change the background colors.
Just a idea that crossed my mind hade to post it. Sorry if something simular has already been said.

Trying to keep its simple. Due a subject(idea) like this coud be discussed and talked on for months and basically coud be added more options to personalise over time.

- If anyone ever worked with a cms (content management system)
He knows what i mean with this. U basically have a simple builder system to build a personal page for a subject. And basically drags stuff the way he wants them to be on the screen.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/02/2015 06:43
Tbiz, that sounds like a variation on something already discussed and liked in this thread.

And, in no way am I paying that kind of money for personalized functionality.

And, besides me being very frugal, for a lot of members $25 is a lot of money. Otherwise, why aren't most users not jumping their BAP lvl and then buying an adfilter (via sell BAPs for cash or wait for the $10). If $25 was not much, I'm sure all the headaches they get when buying the recycler and/or the 100 cheap ads daily etc would motivate them to jump right away. As, they are sticking around, just annoyed.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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01/02/2015 08:11

I have actually thought out concepts on how to create widgetized webpages that the user manages. I actually am thrilled about the concept. The price is a little steep though. I would go more than $3-$5 a month
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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01/02/2015 14:51
yea price mentioned wasn't really a serious call. More to explain the idea.and put a price on i personally woud pay for the right stats.
Traffic Value: $3,672.19153 Jamaica
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01/02/2015 15:35
Will the Avatar be changeable? 
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
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02/02/2015 01:15
if the statistics and everything else are in real time without having to refresh the browser would be amazing.

in the graph section truth is not bad but I like too much as it is now mtv and pv
Traffic Value: $1,009.59506 Tunisia
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02/02/2015 22:55
i suggest we can add a picture (downlowad img to your profil) for each profiles instead of this place

Traffic Value: $11.00751 Canada
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04/02/2015 00:31
A "self-exclusion" option for the games would be nice.  Several self-exclude options such as for a day, week, or month.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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07/02/2015 06:10
I'd love to see a change of the notes about shares not be about who to whom but:

Top 20 Users who sold Shares for Cash in the past hour
Top 20 Users who bought Shares with Cash in the past hour
Top 20 Users who sold Shares for BAP in the past hour
Top 20 Users who bought Shares with BAP in the past hour

Then I have a better idea what is happening. Are people panicking or are the Top few actually long term shareholders who are busy eating up shares. Or a few other options.

This would work a lot better than the "Live News" which just doesn't really say too much, at least in a way of really digesting it.

Top 20 might be too few, or it might even be too many, though if anything I bet it's too little. But a 20 with a + button for Top 50, would work.

And, while we are at it, can we get the Daily Chart Graph, to the tenth aka $0.059 hi $0.051 lo...though if this only delays the bigger minute by minute graph, then no need to have the programmers spend a minute on this.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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07/02/2015 06:25
I had considered something similar, but more along the lines of NASDAQ where we not only show a +/- of the shares price from the beginning of the Server Day, but also the number of shares bought/sold as a (Bought - Sold) number, with a negative showing a selling trend and a positive showing a buying trend. We could do the same with the BAP trades as well.
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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07/02/2015 06:37
@Jo I don't think it really looks any better at all, and I think we have much more important issues to clear. As for example the deliverance of ads, and cron issues, if there are really any. The dashboard of MTV as it is, is just fine. Looks to me like sand in the eyes, and distracting from all the many very serious problems at Paidverts right now. I will not waste my time to try to design anything, for in the end you only do whatever you want anyway, so it would be a waste of my valuable time. 

I don't care about the looks. I am not here for looks, I would like to make some money, but this is not happening since a while. That is all I have to say about this. I do not even expect an answer.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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07/02/2015 06:40
I want to know WHO is doing what.

If it's little, medium or big fish.

All evening, for instance, the price was driven down from 5.5 to 5.3 then to 5.0.
And, there were enough overcutters, that it took a bit of time, and more? Bigger fish to come in.

I think it's big fish who are looking to get cash b/c they think that the share price will drop under 5c, and then they will buy their shares and more back. But right now, it's just too hard to scroll through the Live News pages and analyze.

It could be just as easily be small fish who are getting cash to quit.

The BAP market has barely moved even with that half cent change. So, I don't think it has anything to do with maintaining / jumping BAP lvls.
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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07/02/2015 08:19

I find useful to skim through these reports. With a little bit of work, you can get an idea of who is doing what for now.
Traffic Value: $94.77498 Morocco
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08/02/2015 15:32
ops , beautiful new look i waiting <3
Traffic Value: $413.05204 India
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17/02/2015 10:58
Is it possible to have a summary of our holdings in just 4 sentences.

1. Total Shares held by "user id"
2. Total amount invested in 170/200/240 plan
3. Total amount paid
4. Total amount due for payment.

At present the summary is rather lengthy.
Traffic Value: $4,507.59379 France
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18/02/2015 09:13
Nice design! But please put it without rounded corners and in full screen, it's so 2000/2005 like this ... ^^

What about that? (full screen and without rounded corners)

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