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Traffic Value: $142.28114 India
7 like this post 0 people
12/06/2014 19:51
hi Jo,

it would be nice if we have an option to chat with our referrals, just clicking on there user id. So that we can keep interacting with them to make them be active and guide them, especially the newly joined... smile
Traffic Value: $142.28114 India
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13/06/2014 14:23
surprised...finding no reply to this...

friends, if this topic is discussed before, can any one let us know what is really coming in future regarding this..
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
13/06/2014 15:06
We have chatrooms in the pipeline...
But we're too busy installing critical functions to deal with our scale first, before we'll have time to add that.
Traffic Value: $142.28114 India
0 like this post 0 people
13/06/2014 17:04
ok Jo, i understand it, hope we can get these features done sooner...

thanks for your kind reply...God bless you...
Forum - Brainstorm - Chat With Referrals
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