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Thank you for the compensation, Jo!

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Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
3 like this post 0 people
19/07/2014 17:24
Hi Jo,

Since my support ticket is closed, I didn't want to re-open it and cause more work for you, so I will say thank you on the forum. Thank you for compensating me for the lost BAP that occurred on 1, 15 and 16 July during the attack and the site maintenance. Thank for giving me 1,100 BAP.

Jo, it is much appreciated, and it gives PaidVerts and you more credibility. I know you put a lot of long hours and work into PaidVerts/MTV, and this is your "baby". We all want PaidVerts to succeed.

I don't mind if a site goes down for maintenance (and I know it's not PaidVerts's fault with regards to the attack), just as long as I get compensated. I am a small fish in the ocean and I spend a lot of time to click all the ads I get, so I can't afford to lose BAP unlike the huge investors here on PaidVerts. The huge investors have hundreds and thousands of BAP. Since they have invested in this site, it means they are prepared to lose such money. The golden rule is to invest only what you can afford to lose. EVERY single ad counts for me including the $0.0005 ads. I hardly miss clicking any ads, so I am super active and I am one of the few dream referrals (if you have me). I only miss a few ads if I come home very tired from work and fall asleep in front of my computer.

I know this isn't the brainstorm section, but if I may suggest: Jo, is it possible for the programmers to create an instruction whereby you can tell the system to stop issuing ads during periods when PaidVerts is down for a long time? Just a thought....

Thanks once again, Jo! This small gesture goes a long way! wink
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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19/07/2014 18:07
I do think there should be a way to toggle ad timers on or off for any maintenance. That would eliminate any recycled ads due to server downtime. At least if issues arise there is an option to stop ads from wrongfully expiring. I am not a huge investor but I have put as much as I can afford into MTV/PV. Small ads also matter to me just the same as you or anyone else. Just because some have spent more money it does not mean they are prepared to lose it. Really BAP is very easy to gain with bulk ads even as a small user reinvesting earnings. The only way to really lose BAP is from playing games. Even if someone loses big on games it is possible to recover just from activation ad free BAP and reinvest earnings back into bulk ads.
Traffic Value: $206.16449 South Africa
0 like this post 0 people
19/07/2014 19:21

What I am saying is: If you are prepared to invest money into some venture e.g. stock markets, HYIPs, MTV, etc., just know that there is always a risk of losing your investment, so be prepared to lose that money if things don't go well. Otherwise don't invest if you can't take the heat when your risk does not pay off.

I haven't invested a single penny out of my pocket into PaidVerts. I am a non-investor and I have "re-invested" my earnings from PaidVerts back into PaidVerts (by buying ads to increase my BAP). Your Proven Traffic Value of $697+ is 62 times more than my Proven Traffic Value (at the time of writing this post), so it's still comparatively a huge difference (relatively speaking). I have to work much harder and longer to get to where you are without any investment. I am not saying that the small ads are not important to you; I'm just saying that, for me, I need to click every single ad that is delivered to my account, because my income has to exceed my expenses (buying bulk ads/upgrades) in order to make a profit. Yes, you will say that buying $1.00 of ads will give you a profit of $0.55 because 3,100 BAP will give you $1.55 ads in value, but this is only true if you work hard to click all the available ads. Everything in life takes hard work. If you let many ads expire you will make a loss. During the site attacks and maintenance I lost a total of 1,089 BAP (Jo was generous to add a bit more BAP) according to my calculations, which is $0.5445. So that means it effectively cancels out the $0.55 profit. Sure, maintenance and site attacks won't be an ongoing thing, so I could recover that lost money/BAP with future earnings, but as a non-investor, to gain that money back it's going to be many times harder than a person who invests. 

Also, I don't play BAP games because I know you will very easily lose BAP. That's exactly what I was saying in my first paragraph. If you are not prepared to "invest" BAP into the Games section, then don't gamble your BAP and play will obviously lose BAP. If you can't handle losing BAP, don't play games. It's the same with investing money into any website; if you are not prepared to lose money, then don't invest.

Anyway, this topic is just to thank Jo, that's all.
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
2 like this post 0 people
18/08/2014 21:12
I also want to thank Jo. 

During server problems and down site (some weeks ago) I had not received $2.99 and $19.99 ads value for my Mega and Mini Superuser Upgrades. I wrote a ticket (with proofs) and after 2 weeks, Jo gave me back $24 in my account $24 to compensate. 

I appreciate it and I am really glad. That's what I call a great Admin.
Forum - Misc - Thank you for the compensation, Jo!
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