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Monitor Voting Game

How to play

You can vote for each listing once per server day.
Do so by clicking on the "Vote To Earn" button you'll see next to each listing.

You are then asked, whether or not you think this listing will still be marked as paying (active on our monitor) in 14 days time. Select YES / NO.

With each vote, you are asked to place an amount of money to demonstrate your confidence in your opinion. Minimum = $0.001/vote. No maximum amount. (Admins are allowed to vote for their own programs.)

We then wait up to 14 days to find out if you were correct or not!

If you vote correctly you get your money back when the vote matures - either in 14 days or when the listing closes, whichever comes first. In addition 50% of all the incorrect bets are divided equally among all correct voters. Correct votes add 1 point per $0.001 bet to your score for our weekly and 6-month free competitions (see below). Incorrect votes do not subtract from your score.


2 people vote "YES" for listing one, with $0.01 each.
1 person votes "NO" for listing one, with $1.00.

Scenario 1: After 14 days, the listing is still paying (active). So the "YES" votes win!
The two people each get their $0.01 vote back. Plus 10 points added to their competition scores!
They also share 50% of the "NO" votes.

$1 worth of no votes /2 = $0.50
They both put the same vote in, so they will share that $0.50 equally. Giving them $0.25 profit each!

Scenario 2: After 10 days, the listing stops paying, and is closed. So the "NO" votes win!
The $1 voter, gets his money back, plus 1000 points added to his competition score.
And he also shares 50% of the two "YES" votes.

$0.02 of Yes votes /2 = $0.01
He was the only winner, so he gets it all, for $0.01 profit.

Strategy Tip: Betting very very small, against the trend can be extremely profitable if it pays off! If there are hundreds of dollars voted for YES. And only $0.001 voted for no. That no vote could win $50+

Problem Listings

If a listing is reported to have stopped paying. We will first mark it as "Problem".
At this point, new votes will be disabled, and all vote outcomes will pause, until we can make an accurate determination as to whether this listing is really paying or not. This can last up to 21days.

If the listing returns to Active Status.
Then all pending votes will be paid according to a "YES" outcome.

If the listing is moved to "Closed".
Then all pending votes will be paid according to a "NO" outcome.

Every $0.001 you vote correctly with, adds 1 point to your score as it matures, for each active competition. Points are only added to your score, not deducted! Incorrect votes do not decrease your score.

Competition 1: Weekly $125 Prize Pool
Rank Prize
1st $25.00
2nd $12.50
3rd $7.50
4th $5.00
5th - 14th $2.50
15th - 114th $0.25
115th - 314th $0.125
i) You must register a minimum score of 1000 points ($1+ worth of accurate votes) in a given week in order to qualify for a prize.
ii) The leaderboard populates from the BOTTOM up. So if there is only one player with a 1000+ point score in a given week. They shall win $0.125 -- not instantly the jackpot. That requires 314 scores 1000 points or more to be logged that week.

Competition 2: Bi-Annual $2000 Prize Pool
Rank Prize
1st $1000.00
2nd, 3rd $100.00
4th - 9th $50.00
10th - 19th $10.00
20th - 39th $5.00
40th - 339th $1.00
i) You must register a minimum score of 50,000 points ($50+ worth of total correct bets) during a given 6 month period in order to qualify for a prize.
ii) The leaderboard populates from the BOTTOM up. So if there is only one player with a 50,000+ point score during the period, they shall win $1.00 -- not instantly the jackpot. That requires 339 scores 50,000 points or more to be logged that 6 months.