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Withdrawal not yet credited

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Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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30/08/2023 22:40
good evening my withdrawal was authorized in the morning. but so far it is pending on Blockchain. Is it normal to take so long?
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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31/08/2023 11:08
It depends on how congested the Bitcoin/Litecoin network is, but it should be confirmed soon.
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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31/08/2023 13:29
OK thanks
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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03/09/2023 09:54
Hello, good morning, sorry again to come back to the subject, but my withdrawal request was made on the 28th, on the 30th it appeared as credited on the website, but it was not, until the next moment it appears on the Blockchain as pending and sometimes invalid. and today it's been 7 days. help me please
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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03/09/2023 10:11
I even made a lower limit deposit. to see if there was something wrong with my Bitcoin wallet. but it was transferred in 4 minutes
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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03/09/2023 11:36
If you think there is a problem, please contact the support team, they will check it and help you with that.
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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03/09/2023 11:42
OK sorry. good morning
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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03/09/2023 18:19
Very weird case indeed. I just broadcasted it through an accelerator. It should help speed things up. I'll check again in the morning to see if it worked.
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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03/09/2023 19:20
OK. Thanks a lot for the help. I had already reopened the ticket for this and another subject. but sorry for all the work
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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04/09/2023 16:10
please sir admin. any news? because in the ticket 290194 that reopened there was no answer so far
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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05/09/2023 11:06
good morning. as the ticket had already been closed by support previously. Not sure if he can see it or not. why has it never taken so long to reply. if i can do something to help solve my problem i would appreciate it. even if i increase my rate because i am depending on the balance
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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06/09/2023 11:12
The problem is that the Bitcoin network is congested, so some transactions take longer to be approved:

The withdrawal has already been sent, so you can probably just wait for the Bitcoin network to normalize a bit to receive your money.
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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06/09/2023 11:26
I understand that I was unhappy about this. And if I may ask, could you take a look at the latest betting competitions? I was in second place, but the amount credited so different would be 25%, correct?
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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06/09/2023 16:13
My value came wrong, a lot is missing.
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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06/09/2023 21:51
Do you think it is necessary to open a ticket for this? Or would you get an answer right here?
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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07/09/2023 00:16
Transaction details

  • Status: pending
  • ID: 2w5kyznlM9xi
  • Created: 09/01/2023 00:14
  • Transaction Type: cashout
  • Method: Bitcoin
  • Gross Amount: $10.29
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
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07/09/2023 01:31
Hey borgysgame!

Note that it's 25% from the Prize Pool which is $200
Not 25% from all you wagered

In the ranking, we disclose the prize for every user right next to the percentage
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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07/09/2023 02:01
Which I must have misunderstood then, but oh well thank you very much
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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10/09/2023 08:35
Hello again. good morning Could any of you admins please provide me with a paid bitcoin transaction accelerator site that is trustworthy? because every day I'm speeding up the free ones I found and it's not working, I even paid for one. However, I soon discovered that it was nothing more than a scam. I ended up running out of ideas and it's been more than two weeks since the transfer was made. and from the history I researched, the rate that was placed on my transaction is below the minimum. and so far it has not confirmed or canceled Thank you very much in advance
Traffic Value: $752.04608 Brazil
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10/09/2023 09:43
I also saw that if you make a deposit again at the higher rate, the lower rate will be canceled by the network and returned to your wallet. Since it hasn't even been released yet, as it hasn't been confirmed. Your wallet's original support was unable to help you with this. because I contacted mine. They explained to me that if it were the opposite it would be easy to resolve. but the balance is still in your account. If it does not appear, it is because it is blocked while the transaction is blocked
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