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Swaps - Tips & Guide

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Traffic Value: $2,592,904.1508 Spain
81 like this post 2 people
14/02/2015 20:19

I'd rather like to avoid talking about debt swaps if at all possible, as it spooks people. And talking about it, may well make one happen when it perhaps otherwise wouldn't be required. But the potential for a swap is already out there, so let's convey the appropriate info so that you can make the most of it!

Firstly, there'll be no swap before April 6th. That is guaranteed.

Our next potential "Swap decision making date" will be on March 9th. We'll decide then if we want to swap or not. If not, we'll decide again 1 month later... And whenever we decide a swap is the best course of action, we'll give you 4weeks notice. So you'll have plenty of time to act and make the best of it!

What is a swap?

Quite simply... we swap all the debt in the system for shares: - Debt is defined as two things:
1) Your Bonus Ad Points. Every BAP = $0.0005 of debt.
2) Your Fast Track Queue Investments. Whatever you are owed (your full return) is the debt! (We do not just refund your original investment, we pay you your FULL return in shares)

Shareholders earn $0.25 of every dollar invested into our Fast Track Queue Plans (170%, 200%, 240%, 250% plans) -- aka, shareholders earn 25% of our turnover .... That money is paid in weekly cash dividends, every Monday. You can also buy and sell your shares on our marketplace at any time. Buy low, sell high for a quick profit! (Irrelevant of any dividends)

Where do we get the shares from, to swap for all this debt?
Are they magically created? Do they have any actual value?

There are only a finite number of shares that constitute 100% ownership (and profitability) of My Traffic Value. The total number of shares is presently 500,000,000

Thereby, seeing as shares earn $0.25 per dollar invested. Means each individual share earns $0.0000000005 per dollar invested. That is its fixed value.
We cannot create more shares without allocating more of every new investment towards shareholders. Otherwise creating more shares would devalue the existing shares.

Presently, we have an account that is owned by the My Traffic Value portfolio, named "portfolio". You can view its shares here:
This account will give away its shares, to supply the needs of any debt swaps. (This account also receives financing from our development funds to buyup additional shares throughout the year -- to accumulate for things such as swaps. And additionally it returns it's weekly dividends back to our result cards via the "Share Buyback Product" -- that you will see appear on the portfolio hopefully tomorrow!

Debt Swap Price...

When a debt swap is performed, we quite simple divide the total debt in the system by the number of shares available to be issued. This gives us the "Debt Swap Price".

Eg. $1,000,000 in debt / 10,000,000 shares = a swap price of $0.10 per share. Or for every $0.10 worth of debt MTV owes you, it'll give you 1 share.

And thereby in order for you to be repaid in FULL. You need to sell those shares for the swap price (or higher). Doing this doesn't just refund your original money. It pays you your FULL DUE RETURN. So if you invested $100 into the 250% plan. You will get $250/0.10 = 2500 shares. Sell those shares for $0.10 each; and you have got your $250. Exactly the same as we would have paid you via the Fast Track Queue.

There is no difference.
You are not losing anything!
We are just paying you back a different way than we originally intended. And despite the fact that swaps can seem scary, and confusing. They are usually a much faster way of paying you back! As waiting on the Fast Track Queue can take months/years. But debt swaps can happen real quick! The instant the share price rises; you've got your full return!


1. The share price usually drops right around the time we initiate a swap. So profit from that, either by selling your shares high, to rebuy them low. Or simply, wait for the price to drop, and then buy up lots of shares! As when the price rebounds, you'll multiply your money very quickly. And get a few bonus dividends in the mean time.

2. Prior to a swap, see if you can sell your BAP for Shares at better rate than the anticipated swap price. (Keep an eye on the daily forum news to get an idea of what the swap price may be)

3. You can also try to sell off your Fast Track Queue investments via our marketplace:
... See if you can cashout quick before a swap for a small profit. So you have lots of cash available to take advantage after the swap is done!

* On the flip side, you might be able to buyup some investments really cheap... As people panic sell them.... And even as they get converted to shares. You can make a lot of money as the swap matures, and the share price rebounds.

eg. $100 investment >> Pays $250
If you can buy that for $80. Your $80 will turn into $250 worth of shares, for a 312% ROI as fast as it takes for the share price to climb again.

4) After a swap takes place. The system is completely free of debt! It has nobody to repay! Thereby, the first people to invest after a swap, are going to receive the fastest return of their life!

You could invest $10,000 and get $20,000+ back the next day! As the fast track queue is 100% empty! And the ENTIRE portfolio of products (that consumed millions of dollars in investments prior to the swap, to build, now has nobody to repay, except your new investment!)


ps. Debt Swaps do not affect your account balance.
Any money saved there, is absolutely fine. And will NOT be swapped for shares.
Traffic Value: $593.00493 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
4 like this post 8 people
14/02/2015 20:27
you are promise us 11 cents for one share after last swap and now another swap is here?correct or not?
Traffic Value: $17,897.90531 United States
14 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 20:29
Incorrect. He didn't "promise". He was just stating the price on which you would receive your estimated 1.55 as opposed to clicking ads to reach it. 

This should be stickied somehow so it doesn't fall away. Just need the nervous people to dedicate some time to reading instead of reacting now. smile
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 20:37
Selling your BAP for better than what the news says will be the BAP Swap Price is a good tip.

Though, missing out on any days worth of Daily Ads etc, needs to be factored in.

Last time, the price was too close, since I still wanted daily ads.
Traffic Value: $5,358.16581 Canada
6 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 20:39
Great post. Should help a lot of people understand the system better...including myself.wink
Traffic Value: $415.25841 Cyprus
11 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 20:40
Jo why tell people again what a Swap is? Let us make money when they panicgrin
Traffic Value: $800.3309 Lithuania
1 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 20:43
When was the last dept swap? I mean not the bap swap for pv, but the whole dept swap for mtv.
Traffic Value: $305.428 Russian Federation
3 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 21:42
@REKTangle, it was in the beginning of 2014, it seems, January. Old members will correct me if I'm wrong.
Traffic Value: $41,486.01161 Poland
3 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 22:54
Why you want to make this swap debt shares if it will be again possibly invest cash in dollars in FTQ ? I dont understand why you want to do this ? Why you want to make FTQ empty to give possiblity other to invest and get back money in few days?  

If someone has 100% in 250% FTQ he has not guarantee he will get 250$ because it will depends on share price, if it will be 0,1$ it is okay but if it will be lower everyone will loose, am I right ? 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
0 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 22:56
FTQ are guaranteed that %, the time is NOT guaranteed though.
Traffic Value: $715.99029 Lithuania
2 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 22:57
Correct me if I am wrong, but after last debt swap it was said that there won't be another debt swap for almost a year. Now it might come in ~2 months. Really "nice". smile
Traffic Value: $41,486.01161 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 22:58
Time is not guaranteed okay everyone knows it but they Jo want to make FTQ empty? I dont understand it. Will it be now very slowly or what? 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 23:01
Yes, he was hoping for a year, but the debt just kept growing. Even half a year is seeming to be too far in the future.  Things also aren't developing on the programming/product side in regards to paying the debt.

Yeah, we were expecting 90day ish, ever since it started...Rich does mention that now it might be 6months to a year. That said, new products will help pay for things.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
4 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 23:06
Jo was hoping to postpone for another year but if you keep up with the daily news you would realize that we are growing substantially more than anticipated. The next swap (as mentioned by Jo) WILL NOT be BEFORE APRIL 6th. So if there is no swap needed by the 6th than it would keep being postponed. As it's in April which is nearly mid year (4 months in) it would be close to the 6 months it usually takes for a swap to occur. So no worries about it guys. I've been through only 1 swap so far and I came out fine.
Traffic Value: $41,486.01161 Poland
1 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 23:13
Can someone answer on my questions? Please because I am lost in this subject.
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
1 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 23:17

Emptying the FTQ is the same as emptying BAP. To remove debt and start again. It's to clean off the slate and start from the beginning. People get more money, the business looks more attractive, and the business starts off better. Everyone gets what they needed to be paid within that time (the BAP swap only took 1-2 weeks to get back your BAP and make some good money).

MTV had many swaps on it's own the past few years (according to what I read). The FTQ will start off as normal again afterwards.
Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
6 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 23:24
Looking for next swap, to double my money smile
Traffic Value: $41,486.01161 Poland
2 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 23:27

1.) How was look like BAP swap ?
2.) For example debt swap will be on 9th may, one person invested 1st of april, second person invested 1st of may. In 9 th both of them will get 250% FTQ finish or how will it looks like ? 
3.) Now, Jo changes FTQ plan. Now it is better or worse if we are talking about time of FTQ plans? Should I get faster or slower money? Because money from where exactly now are for FTQ investments ? 
Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
5 like this post 0 people
14/02/2015 23:46
Really glad to see this thread. I think that it should be sent to every whiner out there. It really explains it all, really well. Tnx Jo.

I don't know what your plan is after the swap, but i do trust you'll make the right decision for the system and for us, the users. You always do.

Keep it up.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
13 like this post 0 people
15/02/2015 00:01
Current bap debt: 13281829523 divide that by 2000 = $6.6 million
Current ftq debt: $6.1 million
Total debt = $12.7 million

Shares from portfolio: 106 million 

If we swapped today, you get 1 share for about every $0.12 you're owed in bap and ftq.

I suppose we'll see what those figures look like on March 9th and decide if there will be an April 6th debt swap or not.
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