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Ad filter advice

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Traffic Value: $0.0475 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
20/08/2014 21:36
Currently I have around 60k BAP points in Paidverts, and I'll be investing around 40$ later this week, which wil give me 100k BAP points.
Should I get the ad filter or should I wait until I have more BAP points? Right now I'm getting a lot of 0.0005 and 0.001 ads that are just recycling, but maybe I should buy the mini upgrade first to try to get money faster.

Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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20/08/2014 21:56
1. Mini upgrade is not worth it, none besides of the recycling upgrade is.
2. You have to decide wheter it is worth it for you or not
I bought the ad filter when i had 180k bap because it was too anoying for me even just ignoring the low value ads and i planned to get 720k bap (which i have now) anyway.
But in your position i would think about it twice since 100k bap is not that much if you dont plan future investments and even if you ignored 100 low value ads per day it would take 100-200 days until you get the value of the ad filter back.
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