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New Project: Project Funding Page

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Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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20/11/2016 22:18
Any chance Payza will allow us to spend our money via the Project Funding Page?
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
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22/11/2016 19:43
I don't use payza, but I know they exchange your balance for BTC
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
7 like this post 0 people
22/11/2016 19:45
Payza and advcash will not be available.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
4 like this post 0 people
23/11/2016 18:04

Funding Page:
- added slugify function,
- added frontend funding routes for seo,
- added generic meta description for funding pages,
- changed payments default sorting,
- changed date format in news and data grids,
- history integration improvement,
- changed way of handling input params in payment library,
- rework of debug log handling;
- added proper frontend routing into backed redirection,
- added pluralise usage in views;
Traffic Value: $1,020.25923 Serbia
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01/12/2016 10:30
Hello everyone! smile

If the first project (marketing) gets overfunded (and it is), do the investors get less than 30% in the end or not?

For example, if we get 10k insted of 5, do the investors end up with 15% profit instead of 30% or not?

Thanks smile
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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01/12/2016 10:40
No. They still get 30% profit
Traffic Value: $1,020.25923 Serbia
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01/12/2016 10:43
Thanks mate smile
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/12/2016 17:17
What does change is instead of 4% of, in this case, 100% weekly Profits that I was set to earn, 4/100, as of now I have 4/108 for 3.70370%.
Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
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01/12/2016 19:23
That either means more money to advertise. But I still think that they could have created another as soon as it reached 100% (limit of 2 times).
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
01/12/2016 20:48
I wonder how big the next lvl Ad Buy Campaign would cost.

For instance, here on PV, we have Banner Impressions that the more you buy at once, the cheaper they get.

If we could fund a better deal, that would allow our marketing funds to go further.

No need to split them up, as it's not $5000 to one campaign, but multiple seperate campaigns vis multiple sites.

As far as using some funds to advertise through BA campaigns, no need. We just need to redirect some overdelivery to the site's already unlimited campaigns like the BA 928.
I sw@p often enough and do see the site campaigns show up often. These already point to some of our products. Though just the page, not a splash page.
Traffic Value: $3,781.28667 Argentina
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03/12/2016 15:14
Marc! Did you thought about create a sell/buy for the positions of the projects? Something like the FTQ buy/sell, and MTV has a little % of fee?
Traffic Value: $100.39598 India
1 like this post 1 people
04/12/2016 08:11
Here is my suggestion for project funding.

Once a project is fully funded why to waste time to place it there for further funding
instead a new project should be added in its place for new round of funding.

This way newer projects can be introduce at faster rate for funding hence will increase
excitement and more interest among members and will create frenetic economic activity
in funding of projects its completion and faster ROI.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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04/12/2016 08:29
We do actually have to build the projects before funding new ones.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
4 like this post 0 people
04/12/2016 17:56
I got some updates for you folks:

Funding Page:
- payment getBalance added bindings;
- wysiwyg summernote code editing bug fixed;
- js code and assets clean up;
- added strict handling funding routes with slug;
- added main funding home page button;
- changed text formatting for funding projects box;
- rebuild headers for subpages;
- added no gradient class and changed default gradient color;
- changed visibility of social media icons;
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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05/12/2016 03:37
What happens when a project doesn't get enough funding for the alloted time?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
05/12/2016 03:53
The site then covers the rest of the cost and acts just like us in regards to that portion of the investment.

Not sure how big a shortfall can be covered that way, at least this Month, aka revenue shortfalls we already have currently.
It does have a 2 month build time, and some of the cost is marketing for after launch, so in theory, we could just work with numbers on paper, and mainly hold off on paying much of the salaries that are used to build the project, until revenue comes in.

That said, let us hope we get much closer as a crowd first.

Personally, I'm holding off b/c with such a big gap, and a 2 month, at least, window b4 any returns, my money is best left ready for any RP drops or even a surprise launch of another project or product.

I'm sure others have similar thoughts as well.
Traffic Value: $48.18556 Canada
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11/07/2017 22:26
I just invested $20 USD today to invest in this project. It has been a few hours and I still see no notice of this funds i added to invest in this project.
Traffic Value: $23,441.96122 Spain
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11/07/2017 22:30
I see you, check it out here
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 0 people
11/07/2017 22:33
Currently, Top of page 6.

You can also see your own investments, by clicking the button "view my project investments" on the individual project main page.

If you are waiting for an email, or popup, that doesn't happen.
BTW, you shouldn't have to wait hours, it should show up right away.
Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
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12/07/2017 05:13
i don't understand we are not getting paid from first 2 project so why there is still more project going on, i can understand about mymatrix project but crypto currecy trading is supportable but this is not the perfect time,when we will get paid for first two projectermm
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