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Feb 13th Daily News

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Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
1 like this post 0 people
13/02/2015 19:42

It means "What the Fudge" did you just say.

I could not understand any of your statement or question. Just a language barrier thing I'm suretongue
Traffic Value: $178.11876 Slovenia
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13/02/2015 19:42
i understend u team sistem....any question?
Traffic Value: $178.11876 Slovenia
1 like this post 1 people
13/02/2015 19:44
Traffic Value: $825.93326 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
5 like this post 1 people
13/02/2015 19:45
I vote that we put every single new project aside and resolve BAP issue. PV is PTC site and should give users ads to view for money. Hold your heads together and solve this asap
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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13/02/2015 19:46
Just a remainder of modification in plans + shares.

Looks like some people still didn't know about it.
Traffic Value: $112.43668 Turkey
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13/02/2015 19:48
I found yaplackm of payments on 08-02-2015 Taleb?
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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13/02/2015 19:48
@paidvertes - If you want to know how many people are in each group, you have to go to the older DailyNews, the first post when Jo issued the ads. There you can see how many people are in each group. But this is changing a lot, for some climb up to the next higher group, and some drop down. If you sell all your BAP for $$$ then you do not get no more ad issues, and make no more money on Paidverts. But you can do this, and invest into the new 170% plan.

But I think this is not a good thing to do right now, for the share price is too low for this, and I fear you would lose money at this point. I would not do this. My advice is, to keep your group level for now. 
Traffic Value: $837.89177 Spain
8 like this post 1 people
13/02/2015 19:55
Traffic Value: $898,711.42771 Spain
Undo12 like this post Disagree0 people

12/02/2015 23:28
Hola a todos :
Inversores de MTV y usuarios de PV.  Es mensaje , solo tiene un objetivo. Levantar la moral de todos aquellos que hemos apostado por estos programas. Es cierto que como se suele decir: "las desgracias nunca vienen solas". Esto no quiere decir que corran malos tiempos, si no que se han unido varios contratiempos a la vez. Esta no es la primera vez que se atraviesan palos en la rueda y como tantas veces, se ha sorteado y continuado el camino. Si somos serios y para aquellos que no llevan mucho tiempo entre nosotros, les que hay un abismo entre el pasado y el presente.  Ahora MTV es un negocio consolidado, con reservas, con un portfolio, aunque corregido un poco a la baja con el único fin de nos beneficie a todos. Una visión egoísta, nos confundirá, este es un negocio de todos, con un porvenir tremendo. Pronto se anunciaran novedades muy interesantes al porfolio, lo que ocurre es que la burocracia de organismos, bancos y empresas gestoras retrasan de forma frustrante los trabajos que se están realizando para dar empuje, alegría, confianza( mas), nuevas fuentes de ingresos y perspectivas que antes no podíamos imaginar se convertirán en realidades tangibles.
Respecto a los beneficios, si hacemos cuentas sensatas y sabiendo que no estamos ante una empresa de la que se sabe como se mueven sus fondos y no una desconocida en cuanto a sus finanzas, con una liquidez importante, veremos que son unos ingresos extraordinarios nunca antes mantenidos tanto tiempo. Los hemos visto mayores, pero  ya no sabemos ni donde se encuentran por el tiempo que hace que pasaron a mejor vida. dejando colgados a la mayoría de los inversores.

Se están haciendo esfuerzos, para recuperar la continuidad con Paypal y aún no estan perdidas totalmente, sin querer dar falsas promesas.
Cierto es que queda un bonito futuro cercano. Hay proyectos en cartera, hay inversiones que hacer, hay, tiendas online en proyecto, hay participación en empresas. MTV va camino de convertirse en un Holding, lo conseguirá, repartirá y hará participe  a sus seguidores de los beneficios que genere, compensando sus esfuerzos, paciencias y desvelos ante alguna dificultad que pueda surgir.  Ahora es el momento de sacar pecho, de demostrar no solo la inteligencia, si no el valor y constancia demostrando que estamos con MTV, lamento no dominar el imnglés, para poder expresar mis sentimientos y reflexiones con verdadera profundidad, ya que voy a traducir con google estas palabras  y mayor complejidad en el lenguaje, peor traducción.

No quiero cansaros, pero este es es uno de esos momentos psicologicos, que no economicos que debemos saber sobrellevar y como una piña demostrar el espiritu de unión que existen entre los que pertenecemos a este "proyecto".

Puedo aseguraros, que vendran nuevas mejoras en Paidverts, mas y mejores productos en MTV, nuevos negocios y sitios bajo las siglas de Future Business Group Ltd, inversiones en bienes tangibles, creación de una solución financiera independiente, nuevas formulas de 
crecimiento,  sin que tengamos que estar al socaire de los caprichos de bancos, hackers, pasarelas,competencia, difamación,  etc.

Amigos, solo os pido  una mirada al frente. 

Hay todo un equipo de personas trabajando con esfuerzo, dedicación  e inteligencia para que todo siga el curso que se ha trazado desde el principio y sin mas compensación que la que los demás reciben solo por participar, solo con la diferencia  de lo invertido. 

Solo puedo decir "congratulations"  a todos.

Hello everyone:
MTV investors and users of PV. It's message has only one goal. Morale of all those we have opted for these programs. True, as they say: "misfortunes never come singly." This does not mean that run bad, if not who joined several setbacks at a time. This is not the first time that sticks stand in the wheel and as so often has been drawn and enduring way. If we are serious and for those who have long been among us, them there is a gap between past and present. Now MTV is an established business, with reservations, with a portfolio, although I marked down a bit with the sole purpose of benefiting us all. A selfish vision, confuse us, this is a business for everyone, with a tremendous future. Soon very interesting to portfolio developments were announced, what happens is that the bureaucracy of agencies, banks and management companies so frustrating delay the work being undertaken to provide thrust, joy, trust (more) new revenue and perspectives before we could not imagine they will become tangible realities.
Regarding benefits, if we make sensible statements and knowing that this is not a company which is known as its funds and no stranger about their finances, with significant liquidity move, we see that are extra income never before maintained so long. We have seen older, but we do not know or where they are for the time spent to make life better. leaving hung to most investors.

Efforts are being made to restore continuity with Paypal and are not yet completely lost, not wanting to give false promises.
True, it is a nice near future. There are projects in the pipeline, there are investments that do there, online stores project, no participation in companies. MTV is poised to become a Holding, will get, distribute and his followers will be part of the profits generated by compensating their efforts, and efforts to paciencias any difficulties that may arise. Now is the time to take heart, to show not only intelligence, if not the courage and constancy with MTV showing that we regret not dominate the inglish, to express my feelings and thoughts with true depth, and I'll translate google these words and more complex language, worst translation.

Do not want to bore you, but this is one of those, who psicologics not economic times we need to know cope as a pineapple show the spirit of union between those who belong to this "project".

I can assure you, that will come further improvements in Paidverts, more and better products on MTV, new businesses and sites under the banner of Future Business Group Ltd, investments in tangible assets, creating an independent financial solution, new formulas of income, without us to be in the lee of the vagaries of banks, hackers, walkways, ecurrencys, competition, defamation, etc.

Friends, I ask just look at front.

There's a whole team of people working with effort, dedication and intelligence to keep things the course it has set from the beginning and without further compensation than others are just for participating, only with the difference of their investment.

I can only say "congratulations" to all.
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
3 like this post 0 people
13/02/2015 19:55
@joe31800 - Yes, Joe, he seems to have problems with his English, it is not that good. So it would be nice to not use the cussing and swearing, this is not very nice. But I think you realized this already. Have you ever talked with people from India on the phone, or on Skype? Holy Maccaroli, this is even worse to hear some of them. But don't forget, it is a very weird language for them, and they try their best, while we do not understand even one word in their language. Language barriers need lots of compassion and trying to understand. But we all need one another grin
Traffic Value: $315.31932 United Kingdom
4 like this post 1 people
13/02/2015 19:56
EXACTLY ruzohr, as it seems this is becoming a NPTC


Not Paid to Click.

The very essence of a PTC is to provide ads to click, if they fail on that FOR ONE WEEK (!?!?), well we're in serious trouble.
Fix the cron as a matter of urgency.
Traffic Value: $178.11876 Slovenia
0 like this post 1 people
13/02/2015 19:59
brez zamire, klikanje je pesek v o?i
Traffic Value: $109.64323 Spain
1 like this post 0 people
13/02/2015 20:03
Ok, no ads today, tomorrow and all weekend...them monday should be a great day...but I hope that they send us the ads in packs because It'll be terrible 300 ads in a little time
Traffic Value: $68.16724 Poland
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13/02/2015 20:08
Guys, how much $$$ should be atm for being issued next week included monday big issue? it was already 500k+ $ last monday, any suggestions? smile
Traffic Value: $315.31932 United Kingdom
2 like this post 1 people
13/02/2015 20:12
And then the lip service about the next BIG AD ISSUE.

What big ad issue for Christ's sake, there's no such thing!
No matter how big next issue will be it will merely be compensanting the missing or insignificant ones. If it does.

Please dont try to disguise the truth saying otherwise!

PV staff must be carrot growers, HA. grin

That's a real world business they should think about. They are fantastic at it wink
Traffic Value: $68.16724 Poland
0 like this post 1 people
13/02/2015 20:16
Last ad issue was twice good for me because i got about 5$ recycled ads cause of 200+ ads issued per user, i would enjoy the next ad issue like that, i have lots of time to click that tongue 
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
2 like this post 0 people
13/02/2015 20:17
@paidvertes - Yes, many people here are real morons, unfriendly, harsh, rude, insulting, attacking and arrogant, but not all. It is just as it is in the real live too. Just don't take it personal. I understand that all this was happened this week has been very confusing for you, it was at times confusing for me too. But I am sure it was also not easy for Jo and his team. Just keep on staying informed, be confident, read the daily news, and stay tuned. Have a great day, my Indian friend, and ... Please learn a bit better English, LOL grin
Traffic Value: $57.32588 United States
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13/02/2015 20:21
What is the cutoff for extended upgrade? Thank you
Traffic Value: $1,133.25862 Ghana
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13/02/2015 20:24
paidvertes - It is still the same, only the price has changed from $1.00 to $1.05. Maybe they forgot to update that.
Traffic Value: $234.20482 Netherlands
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13/02/2015 20:25
No clicks today, my ads all clicked away grin

Cheer up people tongue
Traffic Value: $589.45549 India
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13/02/2015 20:27
dear friend gloriabieser :-feeling really bore and more confused,day by day understand mtv

i think so, its not user friendly now a days. we need tutors now?!any?!

finance planners take support understand and take advise. we pay for some to them in our income?!    mtv day by day fast developments

very difficult -normal people understand all  with in short period please 

see below link

2. Buy Bulk ads. For every $1 spent, you'll get 50 visits to your website, and 3100 BAP. That will deliver $1.55 worth of paid ads to your account ASAP: - its same or here not update

i am confused-

ok thank you for reply
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