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Traffic Value: $149.5856 Turkey
0 like this post 6 people
25/08/2015 09:06
No paid ads, no upgrade ads...... what is happening to pv ?
Traffic Value: $2,194.18215 India
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25/08/2015 09:17
again everyone asks same question plz everyone wait for your  turn 1% ads suu both mini and mega ads will come to you lots and lots lots of 1290000 and counting users are there before all of youuuuuuu
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
25/08/2015 09:21
santoshi lolz it's not 1mil users who have SUU's.

Mini: 5570
Mega: 1533

It seems wrong that there aren't enough Mini's to go around for everyday, but Mega is understandable.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
25/08/2015 09:22
Just got my Group ads Thanks!

~$10K yet again.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
7 like this post 0 people
25/08/2015 09:35
today 9k 240% fast track payment to paidverts account
Traffic Value: $529.85754 Spain
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25/08/2015 11:26
no 1% again upgrade is purchased but 2 day´s no 1 % ads?? whats wrong?
nice day at all grin
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
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25/08/2015 11:29
It is possible that there are not enough 1% SUU ads for the huge amount of upgraded users. 
You must understand that SUU are not profitable per se
Traffic Value: $14.36955 India
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25/08/2015 12:48
SO less ads why i am using ad filter at 0.002 but still so so less ads what happened 
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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25/08/2015 12:53
We're having a buffer of 50 days no before the first ads have to be refunded. That's why we don't have to click so many ads daily. If you would like more ads, click your activation ads, clickgrid and micro ad packs, that gives you around $0.10 daily without the other ads. If you want even more ads, lower your adfilter smile 
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
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25/08/2015 12:59
Lastly we had problem to deliver on time the ad campaings bought in january so the ad issues where artificially suplemented with more ads to all groups, so people in low groups increased their amount of ads and cash received dramatically.

Now we are going back to a stable situation. You are still receiving a big ROI in low groups, about 0.7%-1% per ad issue (plus micro ad packs, recycled ads, 1% personal ads...)
Traffic Value: $35.16722 Algeria
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25/08/2015 13:41
Please; can you tell me when this problem with Paypal will be adjusted  ??
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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25/08/2015 13:42
PayPal is on the way to be available again. Just wait a little bit more and check the news regularly.
Traffic Value: $213.79874 Germany
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25/08/2015 13:45
u mean a few hours or a few days?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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25/08/2015 13:50
Keep checking. Admins are taking care of it.

But usually these things take days. Since it happened last week, hopefully this week we`ll have some news.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
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25/08/2015 14:10
It was explained to exhaustion why you do NOT receive SUU ads everyday. Refrain from reposting it right after the previous answer - your repeated question will just be erased
Traffic Value: $43.97191 Indonesia
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25/08/2015 16:43

Yeah, I'm a freelancer and most of my clients use PP to pay me. Last month was the end of my 2 year work contract with weekly payment. As the loyalty bonus, it might be some kind of promotion to attract more members from my country and to ease their way to open their local branch office here. 

Anyway, thanks for your response.

With Regards smile
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