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Welcome Guest - Login / Register Forum - Misc - someone that has Famobi games here?

someone that has Famobi games here?

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Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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16/04/2021 13:02
i have had this games and a affiliate account for over 1 year, i have sent many messages to get support how to integrate and save the games score to my own database under logged user without any answer since january 2020

now in April i get an mail that cancel my account for inactivity without valid reasons as both account and gameplays has been active within this year and last year, an company that closes an account without even answer publishers questions cannot be trusted, i even sent a message on Facebook that they removed instead of answering, and also sent by mail without any answer

have someone had the same problems?
Forum - Misc - someone that has Famobi games here?
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