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Request -- for the source of our referral

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Traffic Value: $3,261.99794 United States
8 like this post 0 people
06/04/2014 17:49
Hi Jo, could you please add the column to show the site from which the members are getting referrals? If you do so, it will be helpful to promote the PV or MTV in the selected sites....
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
5 like this post 0 people
06/04/2014 18:02
We don't store this information currently. But it would be a nice upgrade... I'll add it to the list.
Traffic Value: $7.44706 Latvia
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06/04/2014 23:12
+1 for idea, it definitely will be useful for most promoters.
Traffic Value: $1,940.89433 India
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04/05/2014 04:04
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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04/05/2014 04:37
Use I use it for our Facebook page

example: here's a link
It redirects to our $2000 compettion on FB.

Goo. gl

  1. Analytics
  2. Login is not mandatory
  3. No need for separate login (Google Account)
  4. Powered by The Google
  5. Most reliable URL shortener (



  1. Duplicate links
  2. No way to remove from listing
  3. Cannot choose the custom URLs
  4. Cannot use custom domain
Traffic Value: $13,962.16825 Australia
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04/05/2014 07:45
most pros use the google link

slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
2 like this post 0 people
04/06/2014 12:10
Jo, a couple small upgrades would be great to track our referrals -> Under "My refferals "- >"My commission" there should be an option you can click to show just commissions from Ref Ad pack purchases.
For people like myself, who offer RCB and run some promo events for our refs, it's impossible to follow these stats amongst 40k+ ad views commissions.

That and if there could be two more columns under "My refferrals" that split "earnings" for each referral into "commissions from ad purchases" and "commissions from ad clicks" .

Low priority, but would be a very helpful addition for active sponsors, and I'd figure it's just a couple of simple queries to write.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
04/06/2014 12:51
Ok added the following to the ToDo list:

Create three filters for this table:

1) Filter by username
2) Filter by ad pack purchases only
3) Filter by ad clicks only
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
0 like this post 0 people
04/06/2014 13:02
Awesome, thanks!

What about another column in "My referrals" for ad pack commission and ad click commissions.

Or simply like this (say i earned 10$ from ad packs and 5$ from ad click commissions from this ref):

"Earnings":  15$(10$/5$)

I usually give more RCB for ad purchases than clicks so it's good to know the total commissions from someone.
Forum - Brainstorm - Request -- for the source of our referral
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