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Payza introduction, Payza Payza

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Traffic Value: $142.38611 Pakistan
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30/05/2014 08:49
Paypal is having some problems with Paidverts and even most of the people can't use PayPal. Payza on the other hand must be introduced to reduce losses of people and Admin. Payza is very famous and is best for many users. I've referred lots of users and all of them are disappointed of not having Payza as a payment processor. Please introduce Payza as soon as possible, we need Payza immediately oh oh downer long face confused
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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30/05/2014 09:08
This is already on the pipeline and other payment processors but don't think paypal will loose this money making site with those fees they earn millions soon
Traffic Value: $2,227.80031 Viet Nam
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30/05/2014 09:08
Payza, Payeer, Payoeer, Webmoney. wink
Traffic Value: $142.38611 Pakistan
0 like this post 1 people
30/05/2014 09:15
Payza we need Payza the Best. Low fee and efficient Payza available to most of people Payza. grinsmile
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
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30/05/2014 10:49
From Jo Facebook's:

The basic Payza verification is now complete... we just need to submit the website for approval. And we can install that!
Still waiting for a reply from PayPal.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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30/05/2014 13:39
From my point of view Payza is actually a horrible option ever since they shut down operations in USA. Then just kept all balances of people trying to make a living.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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30/05/2014 13:45
but that problem is actually a USA law problem not Payza in general, this laws have done a terrible job because this only hindering companies doing business, Payza would be in big problem if they let people in USA do anything against this law, USA in general do not accept this type of business because money laundering, the only people can do is get this bad politicians out of office...
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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30/05/2014 13:55
That is very true the government wants its hand in and on everything lol.  Payza must be losing huge income from the fees on all transactions in USA. It just doesn't seem like they are working very quickly or even attempting to legally restore service to USA somehow.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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30/05/2014 17:03
Payza is great, just saying..
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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30/05/2014 17:05
" the government wants its hand in and on everything "

Too true, 

It used to be "we the people" 
Now it is "Don't do that, the government will get you"
Forum - Brainstorm - Payza introduction, Payza Payza
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