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Link to activation ads
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Traffic Value: $7.44706 Latvia
Hello,I would suggest put activation ads and buy advertising link under "You have 0 bonus ad points available. This will limit the ads you receive to targeted ads + traffic ads. To receive the higher value bonus ads, you need to earn more bonus points." Message, so people know how they can earn theses BAP points. For now it might not be clear how and how much they can earn with any action. I mean it will be clear for users where activation ads are, for now it might be hard to find for some when they need now click "members home page>activation link" after clicked big "paid ads" button and not even noticed there is activation ad link at home page.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
I agree with you. I think it might be confusing for some people.I have a suggestion to the activations ads. When we see an activation and after confirming and closing the ad, at the bottom of the page this appears "Success! View another ad" and if we click there it goes to the Paid ads. What I'm suggesting is when we see activations ads it should appear "Success! View another activation ad" and by clicking that, it should go directly to another activation ad, not to the paid ads. I think that people confuse them self’s with activation ads and paid ads.
Traffic Value: $14.61258 United States
I have to agree with both the above people, as I have a referral that is really confused on where to find the activation ads even though I did a screen shot with anotation to show where it is. I think maybe an activation ad tab would really help. I also agree that if we do an activation ad instead of it saying view another ad it should read view another activation ad and having it go to another activation ad after clicking it, I think it would help a lot of newbies.
Traffic Value: $3,261.99794 United States
Because of the above problem it seems some of the new members are active in the site. As they are able to find only one activation ad, they feel the earnings are too low and are leaving the site...Please give first priority to this issue and try to keep the members active..
Traffic Value: $3,261.99794 United States
Because of the above problem it seems some of the new members are NOT active in the site. As they are able to find only one activation ad, they feel the earnings are too low and are leaving the site...Please give first priority to this issue and try to keep the members active.. (Missing word....Between..... why am I not able to find the editing option?) It seems the editing option will be available for fixed time only...Hi, Jo Please leave the editing option to our own post permanently...
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
Again I agree on what I said and all of you said.I have some refs that already gave up because they found the earnings to low. They watch 1 activating ad and then click on the view another ad and it goes to the paid ads since there is no paid ads to view they just go away. I already explain how this ptc works, but they just don't get it This should be a little bit more user friendly. If not people will give up and Jo, paidverts will not explode.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
yep Jo, he's gotta point,but I gotta disagree with you that earnings are low, because even with +100 bap per day(0,05$), you're making more than on any other ptc site(and im not counting bux sites that have guaranteed 4 x 0,01$ ads because those ads are not paid by real advertisers but by ptc owner) and especially with +500 free bap(0,25$) you are killing the competition...
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
Too bad people don't understand this yes. I suppose it's already in the pipeline to implement that when a user clicks on the first activation ad, that he immediately gets 0.05-0.1$ worth of ads to click on instead of waiting for the next batch of ads to be issued. But in the meantime, if you see a referral has activated his account but not clicked on any further ads, simply send him a mail every now and then to check his/her account for ads.
Traffic Value: $3,261.99794 United States
@tupkoThe earnings are more in this site as you have mentioned. I agree with you 100 %... But to whom? The earnings will be more for those who understood the system and active in the site only.... But for the new members ? They used to click one activation ad ..Then they trying for the next ad...Nothing is there..Also there will not be any account balance other than the 100 BAP.. As the paid ads are distributed only after few hours ( at least for 100 BAP) , they may not visit the site again.. Hence we are just loosing one referral in this way.. To keep the members active in the site ,they should be given the ads for 100 BAP (once they clicked the activation ad for the first time) . If they are able to earn 5 cents in the first day they are going to come again to the site...
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
"I suppose it's already in the pipeline to implement that when a user clicks on the first activation ad, that he immediately gets 0.05-0.1$ worth of ads to click on instead of waiting for the next batch of ads to be issued." That would be a very good system to keep our refs active. This way they just don't go away. They will keep on cooming to the site, just like udhaya said
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
Ok. We'll do something about this.I actually want to display the warning even before you run out of BAP. As there are lots of accounts with 1-5 BAP in them... And they're essentially empty, but not quite.... So we need to notify those users about earning more BAP even before they run out.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
Good idea with the notification Jo
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
udhaya,to whom? well, actually, for everyone, even free/new members but of course paying members get more, it's logical I hope you do realize how ptc works, if there are no advertisers then there are no ads to click, very simple and very common matter. try clixsense or neobux or any other real ptc and see for yourself if ads are distributed there in a similar way as here, well of course they are, you'll probably get 10-15+ microads and maybe few mini ads/30 sec ads and after that, just waiting... for advertisers to buy you some fresh new ads, isn't that the point of ptc after all, viewing their ads they paid for? same as here and one more thing, you say that paid ads are distributed only after few hours and when you say that, it sounds like it's a problem. once again that's a common thing in ptc industry hence I encourage you to try other ptc's and convince yourself if waiting for hours for an ad(s) on other ptcs didn't drive users/referrals away(for much crappier money) then sure as heck it won't drive them away from here...
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
I'll send out a reminder email / update later today, or this weekend. Reminding people about the need for BAP etc.And we can improve the ad distribution mechanisms... I want to create an automated system for first time accounts. That instantly delivers a few ads upon the first activation... And perhaps we'll make those ads all point to PaidVerts; with little info pages... "Did you know..." sorta thing. Try and make a tutorial out of it. And maybe we can create a button to "request micro ads" in the event your account has no ads to display ... They'll consume 10 BAP let's say; and instantly create + deliver 5 * $0.002 ads to your account. So if you're bored, and want to earn a cent. You can do that at any time... And we'll just factor that into the daily ad issue -- deducting the total cost of those requested issues from the next daily result.
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
Man Jo,You have GREATS ideas, I wish I was like you
Traffic Value: $2,520.36922 Poland
I don't want to add another thread - are we allowed to click activation ads 5x day indefinitely?I already have over 400 days
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
Yes, so far there is no limit as why not reward active users
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
I was thinking about the activation ads stuff; I think you might be right - displaying them as a "paid ad" on the paid ads page - is likely the best idea.I will sketch that today.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
http://mytrafficvalue.com/drafts/pv/member-paidads3.png - something like this.And this actually simplifies things a whole lot. As now, when your account is not active, or you have no BAP; the error message shown at the top of the paid ads will always point you to the same thing; the activation ads below. Good idea!
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
This way I think it is better