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Account Maintenance Fee & Deletion Protocol

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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21/05/2014 18:58
We need to create an automated way to delete [dormant] accounts (partly in compliance with the law). And at the same time, this creates a surprising revenue stream for the portfolio.

I propose to introduce a daily "Account Maintenance Fee" of up to $0.0008 per account balance you maintain at MTV/PV (until they're each zerod). And log this as a revenue on the portfolio under a misc product labelled "Account Maintenance"

Then we can apply all our Hosting & DDOS protection costs to this product. So that it separates that recurring cost / burden from new products. Which will give you a better idea of the performance of each product we build to its actual construction costs.

But this is a good example of how an insignificant cost to the user, at just half a cent per week! Adds up to a significant revenue for the business (and in this case, our Fast Track Queue investors) ... As per 10,000 users with account balances, who usually have 2-3 account balances each; thats ~$24/day portfolio revenues. And over a month, those $0.0008's should add up to cover at least 75% of our current hosting + DDOS protection bill.

And at the same time; it stops MTV having to maintain big cash reserves. As all our capital is dynamic / in play. Not just sitting around doing nothing, and frankly being a liability to safeguard.


And the second part of this proposal, is to delete dormant accounts;

Every 6-12months lets say. The system will run a check, to list all accounts that have 0 value in them. (No balances of any kind, no active investments, and no shares). With a second condition that the accounts are at least 3months old. And all those accounts will then be deleted.


Any objections?
Traffic Value: $20,326.06559 Slovenia
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21/05/2014 19:17
Nope..looks good wink
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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21/05/2014 20:35
And at the same time; it stops MTV having to maintain big cash reserves. As all our capital is dynamic / in play. Not just sitting around doing nothing, and frankly being a liability to safeguard.

I don't get this part.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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21/05/2014 20:45
@Marc, this tax is going to avoid people having much money in their balances, so they will invest it or cash it out. And if they invest it, this is going to help MTV and PV.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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21/05/2014 20:50
It stops us getting to the point of having 1million dormant accounts with $0.05-$0.10 in each of them... Which would mean there is $50-100k sitting around doing nothing; that we have to keep safe, pending any imminent withdrawals.

Better to recycle it via the Fast Track Queue, so people can use it for something. Invest / cashout.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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21/05/2014 21:02
Always better to have realistic user count than some meaningless numbers. Plus if it helps get some extra $$$ into MTV then all the better while cleaning the database. Go for it when time allows.
Traffic Value: $161.87766 United States
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21/05/2014 22:08
I am for that Jo!
Traffic Value: $1,238.07941 Singapore
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21/05/2014 23:52
i agreed too!!!
Traffic Value: $68.52568 United States
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22/05/2014 01:49
Looks good.

But would the tax/fee be charged regardless or only if a certain level of activity wasn't meant?

Ex. someone deposits $10,000 to invest in the FT250 plan, but can only do it in increments, so would they be charged the fee even though they made the maximum investment the day before?
Traffic Value: $556.4157 Brazil
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22/05/2014 02:19
If we put our money in Paypal/PM/Egopay ... wallet the fee will be aplied?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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22/05/2014 11:23
The fee is a fixed $0.0008 per day, per wallet for all users.

If you have:

$1 in Solid Trust Pay
$1 in MTV Earnings Balance
$0 in Bank Wire

Then the two wallets with $1 in them, would be reduced by $0.0008 ... and the Bank Wire balance wouldn't incur any fees. As that's zero.

But you'll likely not even notice it. Especially if you have referrals at PV pumping bits of money into your account all the time... You'll just lose one tiny fraction of a cent each day. Or 2.4cents a month!

And if your balance is zero; then you incur no fees. So if you spend / cashout / invest your money; you wont incur fees.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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25/05/2014 15:44
I think this is a must add to be honest with one change to PV. I think that on PV the $0.0005 ad issues should be eliminated. With the 25 BAP tax and this account balance fee ads with a value of $0.0005 are far more trouble then they are worth. In my opinion the absolute lowest ad issue should be $0.001. I just feel like 1/10th of a cent is standard for most PTC 1/20th of a cent is just chopping a penny to many times lol.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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25/05/2014 18:12
What happens if we are only a MTV user and not a PV user or vice versa. Does our other account get shut down if not in use?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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25/05/2014 19:40
We will purge all valueless accounts periodically, once a year or so. If you've got no shares, no active investments, and no balance in your account. Then it doesn't really matter whether your account gets deleted. Just signup again.
Traffic Value: $282.32434 United Kingdom
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25/05/2014 20:21
Jo, I think your definition of a dormant account in this context is wrong. You defined it as 'an account that has no shares, no active investments, AND no cash balance'. THE CONJUNCTION 'AND' SPOILT THAT DEFINITION.
I think the correct definition of a dormant account in the MTV context should rather be 'an account that has NEITHER a share NOR an active investment NOR a cash balance, NOR ANY OF THE THREE'.
It is a contrast to an active account, given that an active account in the context of MTV should be defined as 'any account which has EITHER a share OR an active investment OR a cash balance, OR ALL OF THE THREE'.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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25/05/2014 20:24
That's what I meant. My English is going to hell, living in Spain so long cheese

But if you have no value in your account what so ever; then you'll likely be wiped the next time we do that.
Traffic Value: $114,601.66988 Spain
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25/05/2014 20:41
My English is going to hell.

hahaha, coming soon all forum in spanish language tongue
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