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Want to know KYC of new share market

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Traffic Value: $6,068.9465 India
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13/06/2018 16:54
I have a lot of shares i.e. 1.5 million and i am worried that if i cannot do kyc i.e. i don't have any bills in my name as my address proof although i have all the ids including passport and bank account and can also give certified statement from notary. And worried that if my kyc failed i won't be able to withdraw when new legal company with real shares replaces ours as they had said
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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13/06/2018 18:50
They also said that if you contact them, something can be worked out.

However, KYC requirements, might not be up to Marc et all.

But this is still a few years down the road, most likely.

Are you saying you will never be able to fill the bill in your name requirement?
Traffic Value: $6,068.9465 India
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13/06/2018 19:20
yes i am saying i will never be able to fill the bill in my name requirement and this sometimes tenses me that when the shares will be worth a lot and my wait would also go to zero with my shares and this won't be years away warclicks can easily make us pay FTQ within 1-3 months i suppose
Traffic Value: $9,308.60765 Germany
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13/06/2018 21:11
There is no reason for you to worry, some generally KYC address proof advice:

- bankstatements are normally allways accepted for KYC verification
- don't know how this works for you, but I expect this to work mostly everwhere similar:
If you are formally registered in your city, you should be able to get a registration cretificate at your city hall

if none of this get's accepted for KYC, there is something wrong....
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