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Missing paid Fast Track amount

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Traffic Value: $4,497.02754 India
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23/09/2020 03:11
One thing would like to add is, If you had made that much of a big investment, Next time please keep a tab on it, As to what is happening with it, are their any updates, Currently in the world big business have gone Bankrupt or have done fraud and left with the money one e.g Payza. I lost Quite a much BTC which i had just sent because the strike down from USA came out of nowhere and we were left clueless.
And this despite me being vigilant.

And point of the matter is I have been here since the Jo era maybe not actively on forums as much but definitely actively logging in and seeing and if possible helping in whatever way i can. But i have never seen an online business in my 10+ years of earning ONLINE, to have survived what Marc, andraiz and the TEAM have faced. Really Hats off to them to keep this business alive, there is no doubt in my mind this would be one of the most successful businesses fully legal in the near future.

Just wanted to add my opinion as well.
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