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Traffic Value: $764.24205 France
0 like this post 0 people
10/09/2015 16:45
I just launched my PTC website today, we are a French registered company, you can vote on the monitor here !

On AdClickerz you won't earn 200$ pure profit a day with rented referrals like all the scammy ptc websites there are around, the earnings are correct and everything is calculated to be a stable business. You can begin to earn from today !

Best regards,
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
0 like this post 0 people
10/09/2015 16:50
Can we get any details please?
Traffic Value: $764.24205 France
0 like this post 0 people
10/09/2015 17:16

Which details do you want to know? Ask it and i will be happy to answer to you ! Thank you
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
0 like this post 0 people
10/09/2015 17:29
Uhmm..just about everything ...?
Which payment processors do u use?
What memberships are there / are there free users?
Ads value range?
How to earn...only clicking ads or something else too?
Reff comisions?
Advertising ways/prices?

I got bored of thinking about questions... sad
Traffic Value: $764.24205 France
0 like this post 0 people
10/09/2015 17:38
We use PayPal, Payza, PerfectMoney and Bitcoin
There is a free user membership yes, then you can upgrade into Premium, Golden, Diamond or Ultimate.
Ads value starting as 0.001 up to 0.02
For the moment you can earn by viewing ads and clicking on our AdGrid. You can also earn by getting Direct referrals or by Rented referrals.
The DR comissions per click starting at 0.0011 as a standard member, up to 0.0015 as a Ultimate. The RR comissions per click starting at 0.003 as a standard member, up to 0.007 as a Ultimate.
You can advertise with banners, Fixed advertisements, AdGrid, PTC Ads, Login ads, PTSU. 

By the way, we got for our launch some advertising packages offers.
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